
Be Cool

When we reach my office, my keel is almost on balance. Mi’s happy-go-lucky behaviour in taverns has chilled me out. Problem being there is a commotion coming from within the office. The door isn’t locked. When I go inside, I cannot believe what my eyes are witnessing.

“Why have you enabled such reckless behaviour?” My boyfriend poses with one switchblade up by his face and the other rigid behind his back, ready to jab.

“It’s under-control you psycho,” blusters my bestie.

“Under control!” Al swings for my table, cutting through receipts. “Then where is he? When Don flies over to tell me Casey has been naughty and shows me his skateboard without him, then you bring me to Mister Hans’s office I know you’ve-” he gets cut off as I dive in-between the two of them to snatch up my skateboard.

“Thank the skies you’re found.” I hug my skateboard to my chest.

Al spins on me, still waving his switchblades around. “What have you done?”

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