
Team Geordie

Dried off and changed into fresh clothes I take myself into our lounge where a fire has been lit. I sit right by it, next to Danny. Stretch out my hands so the warm glow tingles through my too pale skin.

Despite the gigantic wave Danny bolted because he was afraid of Kenji. “I know.”

“Know what?”

“What you know.” Having a secret between the two of us will give me leverage on this team. “I fended off Kenji Kaito for you. Getting his journal was merely a bonus.”

“How do you…” Danny trails off.

“What I don’t know is why the big secret? Your friends won’t care.”

“I care. I hate him.”

“Did you hate him before Cloud High?”

“Especially before Cloud High.” Finally, we have some eye contact. He sounds as though he is relieved to talk to someone about what he has kept hidden all his life. “What’s your first clear memory?”

“Could be a number of things.”

“Exactly. Mine is Spindle Tower. I must have been three.” He folds his arms tight against his stomach.

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