

Yes! I managed to sleep through the whole night with Al without shunting him out my bed in a subconscious outburst.

Whack, whack, whack. Ah someone combat training has woken me. Must only be early. Who the heck is smacking swords at the crack of dawn? Right outside my window too. I pad over to the window wondering how Al can possibly sleep through the noise.

On opening the curtains I am met with a blur of Mi. How did he get here so early? Danny steps after him and whack, Mi wails and drops his practise sword.

I open the window. “What are you doing here?”

“Learning to defend myself.” Mi bends down to pick up his sword and gets wrapped on the knuckles. “No fair!”

“Fights aren’t fair,” says Danny.

“How did you get here?”

“Oh well I was wandering Kensington because I couldn’t sleep. That’s when I see Danny here dropping Lucy off at home. I was like, yo bro take me with you. Teach me some moves. I’m a paying customer, right Sensei?”

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