

Lunchtime at Kensington Palace consists of Frankie and I hanging out in a bandstand in the gardens. This is a popular spot for couples. So unfair how Al is no longer attending school. I’d have taken him to this bandstand several times over; made the girls jealous. No mind. You must be grateful for what you have in the moment which does not consist of Mi being goofy. Frankie sneers as some excited first years run across artificial grass. Wish I was a first year again.

“You seem more sullen at others than usual today.” I lay down on my skateboard, so I don’t have to look at the first years. “I do hope you’re not withholding information on why Mi is absent.” I know he is.

“He told me not to tell.”

“Since when has that stopped you?”

“I was going to tell you after school so you’ll blow up later.”

Now I am mildly concerned.

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