
Youth Hostel

Trying to teach high schoolers has tried and tested Geordie's patience to the limit. He's mentally exhausted. Having our lunch at the pub was supposed to be chill out time but Geordie's wolfed his food and washed it down with a pint, now is waiting impatiently for us to finish our dinner.

“I think giving these numskulls combat training is gonna be a waste of our time. I'll think of a better phase two.”

“You can't teach someone to wield a sword in a day.” Charlie swirls rice round with his fork trying to ignore the fact that Geordie's eyeballing his almost full plate.

“I ain't stupid. Knew it'd take time. But this lot are hopeless. Some cheerleader was howling over a broken fingernail. We've got Milo thinking he's a pirate, and a couple of jocks who don't know left from right. All the while gossiping about Corsey going to prom.”

“Don't worry they'll stop soon. Case won't put up with slush.” I stare into space wondering what I ought to wear for prom.

“Good.” I get a thump to the shoulder. “Quit mooning, Al.”

“Sorry, can't help it. I've a date for prom.”

“I'll be glad when Hillcrest has finished his exams and can get his head fully in Cloudy zone. You don't even like Kensington so why bother going to their pointless prom?”

“Because Casey asked me. That's mega.”

“Why? You live together; see him every day.”

“We'll be with his friends. Him asking means he's accepted me properly.” I nibble at my last chunk of bread. “I can't help being excited.”

“That's if we survive till then,” says Danny. “There's still like a whole semester to go.”

“Skies sake,” groans Geordie as he leaves the table, “you know their school rota too. I'm surrounded by-”

“Teenagers?” suggests Charlie.

“Don't you two class yourselves as teenagers?” I say on following Geordie outside.

Abandoning most of his dinner Charlie tags behind us. “Yeah of course but they've normal teenage problems to deal with rather than ours. Two worlds are colliding.”

“Thanks to Corsey,” snorts Geordie. “We need to get home and plan phase two properly. Would help if we had that lad of yours about. He's not pulling his weight; is too busy boarding and stirring trouble at school.”

“Hey, he pulled his weight yesterday. Saved me!”

“He was insubordinate yesterday. He'll get us killed.”

“At least he leaves his student life in Kensington.” Danny fusses over Honey, letting her know they need to give Charlie a ride again seen as Hotaru is resting up at home.

On getting home we're met with an unusual sight. Outside our house are three carts. Six horses roam around while Prince sleeps oblivious, curled up on the roof. Chunk gives an almighty roar at seeing his spot taken. Sunshine abandons me to follow curiously after a speckled horse. Charlie rushes over to Hotaru who sits sighing on the veranda, beside a wooden table and couple of chairs. These are new.

“What the fuck?” Geordie storms into the house, thrusts open the lounge door. We're hit with loud music playing from Casey's wind-up record player. There's like a rave going on in the middle of our lounge. Sixth formers jump up and down to what I think might be Iron Maiden. “Out!” yells Geordie. No one hears him. Milo slides by us holding a tray of drinks which are snapped up by everyone dancing.

I shriek in excitement as the next track to play is my favourite song in the world. My head can't help bopping despite Geordie being super angry. I shriek again as a hand grasps my arm from the crowd of dancers and pulls me into the centre of fun. At first, I thought it was Casey. I'm wrong. Surprisingly it's Frankie. Both him and Milo push me into Casey. Awkward. I've never actually danced with him before. How does that work with two lads at a party? Casey stops jumping. We totes stare at each other in a stalemate. If a house party dancing is awkward how bad is prom gonna be? My eyes slant onto Frankie who's snickering away to himself. I shouldn't have been surprised. He's being his usual spiteful self. He probs thinks I'll flee in embarrassment. Instead I bop my head wanting to break this awful awkward moment. Dance with space between us, so it's almost as though I'm dancing alone, knowing Casey needs space and it's nothing personal. I think we're good ‘cause he's started up his jumpy dance thing again. He even flashes me a naughty smile when we reach the chorus. I laugh as Milo drags Charlie over to me and thrusts cups of voddy at us both.

“Hillcrest!” yells Geordie as he bulldozes through party going sixth formers.

Ot-oh danger danger. Knowing under the surface Geordie's the most fun person in this room I force my cup into his hands while saying, “this is called a house party. Kensington teenagers like to get drunk, trash houses, and dance.” I bop my head to the music. "We're entitled to have fun like them, right?"

“Entitled," musters Geordie as though mulling over the word. Holds his cup tight as he watches me work my shoulders in time to the music. Takes a sip of voddy. Taps his foot a little, picking up the beat. Smirks as he necks the voddy in one gulp. This Cloudy team leader persona he's built up crumbles away to reveal his true playful self. He throws his empty cup at Charlie.

"What was that for?"

"It's a house party; cups get thrown."

I giggle and throw my own cup at Geordie. Ooh he caught it.

"You drank that fast," exclaims Charlie.

I flash a peace sign. "Party voddy is awesome."

Danny finds his way over to us holding a whole full bottle of I have no idea what. Takes a swig then passes it to Geordie.

Geordie sniffs at the top of the bottle. "Where'd you get this?" Drinks.

"Kitchen, there's loads."

Yay the bottle gets passed to me next. I think it might be wine. Three mouthfuls later I'm holding it out to Charlie. He takes it. Drinks. Energy zaps round us as we drink and dance together in our own personal ring turning us into the centre of attention. Cheerleaders gravitate more towards us than the Pigs.

After dancing with each other for a while Danny catches a young ladies’ eye and is soon to turn on the charm. Charlie breaks away from us to sit on a sofa having a chat with Milo. A sofa is another new addition to the house. Geordie hooks his arm round my shoulders, and we head to the kitchen to go in search of fresh beverages. We get more than we bargained for as there is a game of ring of fire going off in here. Seen as chairs are numbered, I share one with Geordie. This game is evil. I'm such a light weight. Before I know it I'm giddy, so giddy I'm stumbling through the house giggling. Music has started up in the lounge again. I end up leant against the doorway watching everyone having a lovely time. I must have been watching for a while because Casey approaches me.

“Dude, are you alright?”

I nod giggling, trying my bestest not to stumble. Not wanting to waste any more time merely observing I join those who are still dancing. End up right by Lucy and the cheerleaders. She's seriously necking her drink.

“He likes you best.” I whisper referring to Danny who is making out with Jules on the armchair.

“Who does?” says Lucy sharply pretending not to care then grabs my arms and we dance together for a moment then she shows she must care because her eyes have gone blurry. She pushes through everyone, fleeing. I'm about to go after her to offer some comfort but Casey bumps into me. I think it must have been an on-purpose bump because next thing I know we're dancing face to face. Still without touching so it's like we're just friends. A few songs later we both raise our hands at the same time; our wrists press against each other, locking. I totes spoil the moment as my head gets ultra-light and that stumble happens.

“Are you okay?”

I have a giggle fit from nowhere.

“Maybe you should lay down for a sec. Come on, I'll show you what I have done to your room.” Casey takes hold of my wrist and leads me over to the staircase. I manage to get to the third step before tripping over myself.

Casey turns on the stairs to see what's happened to me. “Dude, you're such a giggler.” He leans forwards holding a hand out to help me up. Not wanting to waste a moment of this party having a lay down in my bedroom I pull on his hand. He must be giddified himself because it doesn't take much for him to sit on the stairs with me. Before even thinking I'm kissing him. Then when it's too late to take back my senses hit, scared he'll hate me kissing him in a public place. The plummeting feeling disappears as soon as it came seen as I can feel him smiling. We make out on the stairs not caring who sees. When done Casey disappears for a couple of minutes then returns with a cup of wine for me. Sits with me. We slouch into each other.

“You're handsome you know?” I say.

“You've no need to keep telling me, seriously.”

“I do. Every day. Because you are. And I never want you to forget. Handsome, talented, naughty Case.”

Casey nudges me with his elbow. “Pretty, silly, brave Al.”

Wine sploshes over the rim of my cup. “Brave?”

“Taking me back is incredibly brave after how I treat you.” Casey runs the length of his finger along my nails.

“What are you doing?” I think he might be tipsier than I first thought.

“Checking for white spots. If your affliction came back, I'd die. You probably caught it off Jess. What if I'm a carrier and pass it to you?” Casey presses his forehead against my shoulder.

He is drunk. Alcohol effects must be kicking in now we have sat down. “I know the affliction is environmental. You can't give it to me.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. Charlie thinks so too, so it must be true. And if it wasn't environmental, I'd have more chance of passing it on to you.”

“I wouldn't care. Would take my chances and carry on kissing you. You're so good to me Ali. Every other boy I've been with, it was quick get out the house, don't let anyone see. You've given me a bedroom. Punched a guy for me. Share coffee with me. Reassure me it's okay to like you. My parents will never accept us. Try to make me feel dirty. We're not though are we?”

“No way,” says Geordie who's passing to get some fresh air out on the veranda. “Liking guys is the most natural thing in the world for you. Your parents are the ones who are un-natural going against your natural instincts.” He doesn't make it outside, joins us on the stairs when Casey leans away from my shoulder to smile his thanks at the comment. “You're almost as hardcore as me Hillcrest. We should have an arm-wrestling competition. What's with all this furniture I keep bumping into?”

Casey lifts up his top lip. “What's happened to Henley?”

“Nothing. I'm nice. Furniture where did it come from?”

“Didn't I tell you? This is a decorating party. To get in you have to bring a piece of furniture with you. My ingenious idea to furnish your house cost effectively.”

“Why didn't Charlie think of that?”

“Because he lacks the contacts I have.”

There's a gentle knocking at the door. Maybe someone got themselves locked out. I doubt it though seen as lots of people are hanging out round the back door. The knocking gets slightly louder. Geordie heaves himself from the stairs and answers the door.

“Hi. We're sorry about your loss. I swear down I did not assassinate Al. I know I have a reputation, but that fire was nothing to do with me. Not that my explanation helps...”

Cain. I propel myself off the stairs. I simply cannot have people thinking I'm dead.

“...there's no filling a void left by a top lad like Al.”

I lean into Geordie's shoulder.

“Al!” exclaims Cain.

“My Al was never in any real danger,” lies Geordie. “He's an infiltrator. I sent him in there with a clear get out plan.”

Lying is always a wrong move. “Casey brought me lighter fluid.” I shudder at the memory, unable to big up this event even though Geordie wants to, so we get on top.

“Are you saying you set Spindle Tower on fire?”

Casey shunts his way in-between me and Geordie. “We did. Afraid you have taken credit for my hard work. No one gets away with harming my lad, even if he does offer himself up as a sacrifice in the name of infiltration.”

“We don't tell Team Cain our business,” says Geordie.

“Well I think he ought to know what a diabolical job he is doing considering he is seen as having the top field agent team. I have only been around a few days and have already done away with Midnight's roof.”

Geordie shoves Casey away from the door. “Ignore Hillcrest. He's nothing but a showoff.”

“Please don't tell me Midnight knows about Al's peculiar state of health.”

“It's not a state,” I wail as I think of my blood bubbling in one of Midnight's test tubes.

Casey pats the top of my shoulder while his eyes smoulder into Cain. “Don't you come around here upsetting my pretty boy. He's at the peak of health. Was quite alright until you came knocking.”

“He hasn't exactly got a normal body if he's putting holes in the barrier.”

“I'll put a hole through you if you say another negative word about Al's awesome talent.” Geordie flexes his fist, showing off his knuckles.

“I do not know what you were hoping to achieve setting a roof on fire, but I do know there are implications.”

“On you,” snickers Geordie.”

“I can't believe you'd use a fellow field agent's name for your own self gain.”

“Blah blah blah. You're starting to sound like Clover. Blah blah blah. Be careful you're slipping off your top spot. Can't stay up there forever.”

Someone turns up the music and swings open the window which Lucy leans out of, fanning her face with a cushion.

“What's going on in there?” Cain tries to see through the door. “Are you running a youth hostel?”

Geordie blocks his view. “It's a decorating party. You can't come in unless you've brought a chair, or stool, or summat.”

Bored of this conversation Casey drifts off with his friends. Hazy with drink I end up sat back on the stairs. Sip at my wine. I sway and start hiccupping. Cain comes into our house. Accepts a drink. Talks cordially with Charlie. My cup's empty. Milo fills it me up. Sits with me on the stairs. Passes me a lit joint. I put it to my lips and inhale. Inhaling makes the hiccups go away. I inhale deeper. Giggle, giggle, giggle. Milo's gone. Giggle, giggle, giggle.

“Dude, what is with you?”

“Let's sit in the sky.” I try to climb the stairs. Manage at a crawl. End up in Geordie's room because his window's best for getting onto the roof.

“Wrong room.” Casey makes a grab for my arm as I stick a leg outta the window. “Stop being crazy and get back in here.”

I pull my arm away from his grip. “Boring boy.” Swaying I somehow end up on the roof. Aww Chunk and Prince are sat up here putting up with each other’s company. I lay flat on the roof. Stare up at the night barrier.

“You're such an idiot. You could have slipped and broke your neck.”

“We're sat in the sky!”

“You're laid out, high, on your roof.”

“Our roof, silly. Have you any cuppycakes?” I sit upright, swaying from side to side, under Casey's watchful eye. “Cuppycakes?”

“No, I haven't any cake. How much have you smoked?”

“Milo gave me a joint. No cakes though.” To counter Casey's coldness I sway a few more times then knock into his shoulder and stay there. “No pushing away. I'm your pretty boy so you have to put up with me.”

“I most certainly do not. Get off.”

I wonder why he's gone cold this time. I hold up my wrist, showing off my bracelet, almost accidentally smack Casey in the nose. “I'm gonna keep you for as long as you'll have me 'cause you're a stylish daredevil skater boy. Could you skateboard off the roof?”

“Perhaps.” Casey nudges me with his elbow. “I'll give it a go real soon.”

“I'll be on standby with the medi kit.” I settle against Casey's shoulder. “Thanks for the party, Case. Everyone's had a lovely time. My favourite part was making out on the stairs.”

“Not getting high with Mi?”

I shake my head. Hiccup.

“Let's go inside. I need to take everyone home to Kensington.”

Oooh I see everyone sitting themselves in the carts while Cain rounds up the horses with Chillchill. I try to get up. My head is too light. “Think I'll sleep here with Chunk.”

“I am not leaving you on the roof. You will have an accident.”

I scan the perimeter of the house for Sunshine, knowing he'll sit on the roof with me. Can't see him. “Sunshine's gone! I neglected him tonight.”

“I am sure he won't have strayed far.”

“He's probably feeling left out. Poor thing.”

“Don't be daft. Al, I need to go. Inside.” Casey bullies me towards the window. I more or less get into Geordie's room by myself. Out on the landing Danny is trying to offer an enraged Lucy his leather jacket.

“I hate you!”

“You're being a headcase,” Danny says offhandedly. “Have my room. I'll drop you home when you've stopped being paralytic.”

“You were slobbering all over that skank. I hate you.”

“Why you bothered? It's not as though you're my girl. You're into Cameron.”

Lucy staggers to her knees, retches up nothing, and slaps the floor.

“How much you had to drink?” Danny manages to drape his jacket over Lucy's shoulders.

Lucy takes in a deep breath to compose herself. “Enough to forget about you. I have much more class than that skank with her perfect curves and golden brown curls.”

“And I've more personality than that jock with his pumped biceps and chiselled chin.”

I dawdle to my room wanting to see where this conversation ends up. Amazingly Lucy laughs as she clutches Danny's jacket round her shoulders. “I like your jacket. Suits you.”

“You wear your pretty skirt well.”

“Too short?”

Danny shakes his head as he helps an unstable Lucy to her feet. She kicks off her pink plimsolls. Doing so has her tumble into Danny. Their eyes catch. "You know I didn't plan on liking you. Roar, roar Panthers. Cam was the plan. But he doesn't have a katana or leather jacket. You cold without it?" She clutches the jacket round her shoulders.


“Are you coming to Kensington with everyone else?” asks Casey. When Lucy shakes her head and gets closer to Danny, Casey takes to the stairs without bothering to say goodbye to me. I smile at his back because he's the same as he's always been. I take to my room. Trip over a lump on trying to navigate myself to my mattress. “Sunshine!” I crash down into him, stroking his soft feathers. My mouth's dry. I want water. Fetching some is too much of a bother, so I fall to sleep on the floor, cuddling Sunshine.

Soo stiff. Owie. Whose idea was it for me to sleep on the floor? Half awake I crawl to my mattress. Only my room is no longer host to a mere mattress. Bed! A handsome wooden framed bed with a rainbow patchwork quilt thrown over the top. There's a desk too where my portfolio and paint tin are sitting. Eek wardrobe! Happy. All you need in life is a wardrobe full of clothes and a comfy bed to sleep in. Aww, someone has arranged my clothes neatly on hangers. They're colour co-ordinated. Deffo Casey's doing.

Desperate for some water I pick out today's outfit. Fix my hair. Needs a wash. It'll keep until after breakfast. The house is quiet as I cross the landing and trek downstairs. Sunshine follows me. I let him out the front door. He goes skipping off towards the hills. Ooo something smells toasty. Right I am. Casey is making toast over flames in the stove. He turns as I make for the drinking water bucket.

“A word, Al.”

I scoop water into a cup then jump up to sit on the edge of the unit. “Listening.”

Casey places a slice of toast onto a plate. “Smoking pot isn't for you.”

“One joint won't hurt.” I take a mouthful of water.

“Pretty boys do not smoke pot.”

He looks serious. Has abandoned his toasting, giving me the snotty don't you argue with me eyes. Super cute.

“If pot's so bad why do you buy it for Mi and smoke it yourself?”

“I only take the occasional drag. Mi is my Pig not my pretty boy. He can desecrate his body if he likes.”

“You're saying I can't smoke pot because we're seeing each other?” I make off with a slice of his toast, ninja stealthy fast.

“Not very becoming is it?”

“Meaning you want me to be well behaved, following you round, looking pretty at parties. Short sharp shock, Case. I'm gonna talk to your friends and partake in their social activities. After all that is party convention yes?”

“You nearly fell off the roof last night.”

“I did not.”

“You would have done if I'd not followed you up. Mi gave you extra pot on purpose. He thinks it's funny.”

“Chill out.” I crunch at my toast. “Pot is splendid for stress.”

“Now you're talking with your mouth full, eating my breakfast.”

“You can make more easy.”

Casey gestures at his uniform. “Some of us have grades to chase. Sometimes I don't think I know who you are any more. The Alex I knew was polite. You Al are ill mannered and spoilt.”

I suck at my crust savouring it. “Are you hung over?” Ot-oh I said the wrong thing. He's rippling as though gearing up to throw plates at me.

“What's with the raised voices?” Geordie takes Casey's second slice of toast and slumps at the table.

“Just Case being a control freak.”

“I am not a control freak.” Casey snatches up his satchel. “You are spoilt.”

“You're right he has been spoilt. I chastise this lad and he runs to Danny for sympathy and always gets his fill. In fairness you can be a green-eyed monster. When Al was dancing with Lucy last night I thought you were gonna smoke through your pores.”

“I most certainly was not.”

Charlie comes hurrying purposefully into the kitchen. “I've had an idea for phase two.”

“Let's hear it then.”

“We fly in the Cloud Barrier by day.”


“The more Al flies the more barrier is dispersed.”

“You are crazy.” Casey drops his satchel on the floor.

“You were right. No fear. I've nodded and played along for long enough. Perhaps I have been brainwashed to do as I am told. Let's put holes in this barrier while Midnight still thinks Cain assassinated Corey West. Threatening their barrier is where it hurts most. Skeletals won't be able to take cover in the daylight meaning we'll have an advantage.”

“I hope you know that goes for Prince too.”

“He is supposed to be nocturnal so ought to be sleeping somewhere dark in daylight hours.”

“Perhaps the barrier came to allow skeletals access to glide around at their leisure. What right do we have to take away their cover?”

“The barrier is making people sick. Gave Al the affliction.”

“That is only a theory.”

“A solid one,” interjects Geordie. “If you're worried about your beastie you could always build it a shed.”

“Him. And you will be doing the building; actually, no you won't. Al's not flying round purposely putting holes in the barrier. It's too dangerous. He'll get caught.”

“Me and Sunshine are lightning fast.”

“Stop being naïve. Are you trying to give me heart failure? I will not be part of this.”

“Part of what?” Lucy comes over to us, with an arm draped round Danny, trying to sound breezy despite her rough night.

“Those fools. They're calling Prince a beast and want Al to fly in the barrier practically as live bait.”

“What do you expect from a Harlington? Their family are renowned for being impulsive. Okay so we thought Alex skipped a generation but obviously must have been a late bloomer. Don't get involved with a Harlington unless you're after great wealth or trouble. Everyone knows that.” As Lucy gets some water from the bucket, she gives me her cheerleader smile. “Don't you worry I've told my girls to keep calling you Corey West and no one else at school seems to be any wiser. You do know your mother is home from Japan, don't you? Will you go to Japan one day Danny?”

“Doubt it. Maybe.”

“You could take me there on vacation when school is over. I wonder why your parents felt the need to come over to England. I hear the sun shines strongest over in Japan. It's where Casey's dealer gets his pot from.”

“Only in certain places,” says Charlie.

“Then we should go to those places. I could perhaps get a suntan.”

“Who goes on holiday these days?” says Geordie.

“Danny and I!” Lucy kisses him. They fully make out right in front of us for a moment. So cute. “Come along Casey. I need a ride to Kensington. Seen as you're going that way there's no point in dragging Danny and Honey in that direction.”

“Don't forget you're meeting me at six in Chinatown for noodles.”

Next chapter