
Combat Practise

Geordie and Charlie are arguing again. We were supposed to be practising our combat skills. Our session has turned into all out civil war. No one agrees with anyone else so we're not getting anywhere save for massive debates which have been going around in circles for days.

"Can we be quiet and start over?" I stand in-between Charlie and Geordie. "Squabbling isn't making us any better at combat."

"Neither are his teaching methods. We can't all swing like thugs."

"I ain't swinging like a thug; it's skill."

"Your skill not ours."

"Drop and give me fifty. You could manage how I roll if you worked out."

"Most likely but that doesn't help Al. Besides why should I change my technique to suit you?"

"Because I can't teach you what I don't know. It's either my way or we quit practising, and you can die on our next assignment."

"Why do you have to be so controlling?"

"Danny tell them," I end up yelling myself. All I get is a shrug. Danny's that fed up he's given up. Is letting them two have it out forever. "Stop being mean and listen to me!" I scream. No one listens.

All this arguing hurts my head. I leave them to it to get some peace. If Master Hugo could see us now he'd be ashamed. We need him to teach us or we'll end up dead during an assignment. Master Hugo is dead himself so there is no helping us. No one ever listens to me because I am not authoritative enough. Lack oomph. Sitting on a rock by a path leading to main offices I slide a switchblade from my sleeve. Swish it open. Admire the shiny blade while thinking of what Master Hugo would advise me to do in this type of situation. Knocking sense into them is a no no. I couldn't punch a friend.

"What's with the glum face?" Jordan pauses his journey to main offices to join me in admiring my blade.

"Our team's dead."

"That's rather dramatic."

I shake my head. "Logistics want us out. Last week they sent us on a fake job in hope we'd fail in some way. Geordie was supposed to be giving us combat training to keep us from being an easy target but it's not working. Geordie is doing his best to teach but as you can imagine his patience levels are far from saintly. Our training has turned into a huge feud between Charlie and Geordie. Danny's given up and I'm caught in the middle. We're going around in a horrid tornado."

"I'm sure stuff will even out in time." He doesn't sound very convincing.

"Those last two years with Master Hugo were crucial, weren't they? We're dead... unless..." I look up from my blade and smile sweetly at Jordan, remembering that one off lesson he ended up giving us. There is a Master Hugo left in the world.

"Unless what? Have you had an oil lamp moment?"

"You could teach our team! Give us those two years we'd miss."

"Err no I couldn't."

"Why not? You're ever so talented. Danny was besotted with your teaching methods, and Geordie asked you plenty of questions which is the most positive of signs; he usually only grunts at teachers."

"Sorry I haven't the time."

I tilt my head a fraction. "Please Master Jordan."

"It's not allowed. Court said no special treatment. Even if I wanted to train you doing so would be too complex."

"You'd see me dead!" I exclaim. "You found me. Brought me to Cloud High. Doesn't that make you responsible for me?"

"Well err..."

"Please Jordan. I can pay you."

"I don't want your money."

"Just two years. A few hours a week of your time, on your terms."

"I want to help but it's too difficult. Cain wouldn't like it for a start. He'd see my teaching as babysitting."

"He wouldn't have to know. No one would. Surely as an A-grader you can make free time. Please Jordan."

"Hiding stuff from Cain is near impossible."

I lean forwards on my rock. "You're so clever you could out smart him. You'd make a fab Master Hugo replacement."

"Well I..."

Ooo cool I am wearing him down. "Cain did say at the rally we should keep playing up, messing around. Train us and we will work hard to irritate logistics. We've got something special I know we have. We just need some direction to kick start us. Please help, for me."

"Listen I am no Hugo replacement. If I agree to give you some training you have to swear to keep my involvement secret."

I am taking that as a solid yes. "Thank you!" Jordan's going to save us. "Can you tell the others so they stop bickering?"

"If we're quick. I'm supposed to be in a meeting with Court."

"And you dare be late?" I ask as we make our way to the cabin.

"I'm well known for being late."

How embarrassing. At the cabin Geordie and Charlie have resorted to smacking out at each other with their fists. Our new master is right over there.

"Geordie lower your fist."

"Screw that. No one invited you to poke your nose in." Geordie takes a fresh hit at Charlie, knocks him into the cabin wall. "You want a proper lesson here's one. This is how you deal with an enemy."

"What is with your animosity towards each other?" Whack. Jordan knocks into Geordie's wrist then pulls an arm round his back. "Calm down or you'll hurt each other."

"He wanted a lesson."

"Then you'll be needing blunted blades. Corey wasn't exaggerating you lads are chaotic. You'll die the next time you meet a Thunder. I've an opening at five p.m. tomorrow. You best be at Watch Post by then. I might be late getting out of Cain's way but make sure you're on time."

"On time for what?" asks Geordie.

"Your first lesson. I'll teach you what Hugo taught me; every field agent is entitled to that much. No more trying to train yourselves before then. Have a breather. Be kind to each other like when you were singing that song." And off he goes to attend his meeting.

Taking deep breaths Charlie steadies himself then gives me his lob sided smile. "Did you persuade him to give us lessons?"

"Two year's worth as long as we keep them to ourselves. He's scared Cain will find out. Training us risks the reputation of their team."

Geordie smirks at Charlie. "I thought we were getting somewhere before that moron butted in." He holds out a hand then pulls Charlie away from the cabin. "We're cool yeah?"

"I'm counter attack."

"That's a dangerous position. Can you be consistent?"

Charlie sucks at the inside of his scarred cheek. "Watch me." Seeing his dad has unleashed the battle monster in Charlie's soul. I don't like it.

I wish the other two had witnessed Danny taking down those skeletals which chased me. His quiet confidence astounds me. He's way more than defence. I get my sketchbook out of our cabin then join Danny lazing about.

"Shouldn't you tell those two how you took down those skeletals?" Closing my eyes I remember the scene: Danny balanced on Honey, spanning his arms, holding out two katanas, slicing through two enemies at once. Once I've got the image I open my eyes and sketch.

"Can't see why. Was no biggy."

"Geordie would be impressed. I know I am."

"Don't be. Me and Honey practise together on the ground, like you and Sunshine do flying."

All the masters over-looked Danny. He lingered in Geordie's shadow, as his back up lad, when there is so much more depth to him.

Watch Post is silent. No one is going to bother us up here. When we land I am glad to see Jordan has arrived on time. He's emptying an assortment of blunted blades out of a large rucksack. Trying to be on our best behaviour we go right over to him.

"You four have personas, right?"

We stand clueless.

"You've each got a characteristic which has manifested into your own persona in your team. I heard Ash and Cain discussing you four. She said Danny was all casual, and Al stylish. Charlie you're obviously the brains. Geordie I'm not sure."

"He's easy. He's our attitude. I tap at Geordie's shoulder and get a playful fist aimed at me.

"Attitude, yeah I see what you mean."

"Hey!" Geordie scowls.

"When you're fighting I want to see plenty of attitude from you." Jordan throws a blunted sabre at Geordie. "You keep calm, collected," he throws a blunted katana to Danny. "Keep me guessing," a sabre is thrown to Charlie. "And Al stay stylish."

Here comes my blunted sabre. I purposely miss catching it. Slip switchblades from sleeves and switch them. "They're super cute see?"

"Err I guess. I'm afraid I don't have blunted switchblades."

"That's okay." I see a short sword amongst the blunted weapons and scoop it up. "I can work with this."

"Right. Did Hugo manage to place you in your positions?"

"Yeah," lies Geordie. "I'm attack. Danny's on the defensive, and Charlie's counter-attack. We let Al do what he likes."

"What's that mean?"

"He has panic attacks and sometimes freezes so he's unpredictable. When on form he's my top card."

"He distracts," says Charlie.

"But I won't have him infiltrating. Infiltration is dangerous. He distracts when he can."

"Okay, I hear you. I think I'll have some one on one time with you first Geordie to see where you're at."

I stretch myself out on hard rock to see what I will be in store for once Jordan has finished with Geordie. So powerful. Geordie keeps storming ahead with ferocious swings forever on the attack. Jordan’s an amazing teacher; gives out constructive tips while on the move. After fifteen minutes with Geordie he moves onto Danny. Must be starting to enjoy teaching after a few minutes duelling Danny because he’s clearly smiling, and his shyness goes forgotten. He ends up spending an extra ten minutes with Charlie. I catch him telling Charlie there’s no need to compete with Geordie; to concentrate on his own strengths instead.

Here’s my turn. I get up and stand in front of Jordan, gripping my practise sword, staring down at it. “I’m slower than the others. I hope you have strong patience levels.”

“Show me.”

I take a swipe for Jordan. He blocks me. I back off as he comes at me.

“Keep your breaths deep when your enemy is coming at you. Focus really hard on breathing and watching so you don’t work yourself into a panic.”

Whoa he noticed already I get panicky when I’m trying to figure out which moves to make next. Keeps talking me through my breathing patterns as we duel. Is breaking me in gently and that works for me. I think I am going to enjoy these lessons with our new combat trainer.

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