
The Harlington House

Well here’s my front door. My fist is poised ready to knock. Coming home is ultra awkward. Knock. Knock. Knock. No answer. Knock. Knock. Knock. “They’re out!”

“Al it is like four a.m. They’ll be asleep,” points out Danny.

“My dad wouldn’t be. He’s forever busy.” I knock extra loudly. “Yeah they’re definitely out. You’ll have to break down the door.” I move aside to let Geordie give the door his shoulder.

“I ain’t breaking down your door.”

“My dad’s an architect; he can replace a door easy.”

“Fine.” Geordie tries to give the door his shoulder. When that fails he gives it a hefty kick, shortly followed by cursing as his foot goes through wooden panelling.

I help Charlie down from Hotaru. Honey and Chunk left as soon as we landed over Kensington’s wall to avoid us standing out. Off Hotaru goes too. Looks like Sunshine is sticking around as usual. He only just manages to squeeze through the dismembered door.

“Welcome to my house. Make yourselves at home.”

“Whoa it’s huge,” exclaims Geordie as he steps round the parlour while I turn on some oil lamps. “This whole pad is for just three people?”

“I wouldn’t sit on the floor mate.” Danny struggles to hold Charlie up who is trying to slope down a wall. Despite Danny’s best efforts he ends up on the floor.

“Hey. How are you feeling?” I sit with Charlie to support him not expecting an answer.

“Hurts bad. Like fire.” They're the first coherent words he’s managed since the attack.

“Don’t worry you’re going to be alright because you’re staying at my house and I’m going to call round at a doctor’s and he’ll come here to sort you out, ‘kay?”

“What doin’… up hill... by paddock?”

“We came to fetch you. Geordie was all like we can’t leave our Charlie behind.”

“Came back?”

“Yeah,” says Danny. “You should have seen Al. As soon as you got pushed into that skeletal he’s going I’ll cause a diversion. Was straight in there. Didn’t freeze on you. He was epic.”

"Sorry you got hurt before we helped.” I wind an arm round Charlie’s back. “How about you come take a look at my room? You can use my bed, get comfy, while I bother the doctor.”

“Sounds like a plan. You got him Al?” says Danny.

“He’s wobbly.” I move us towards the stairs. “Walk close behind us ready to catch me if he has a funny turn.”

“I’ll be catching Charlie not you.”


My room is exactly the same as I left it. I put Charlie on the double bed. Let my eyes dart round the huge attic space. Don’t like my room any more. Prefer my smaller space at Cloud High. Did some of my best work in that tiny room. My sketches were developing into more mature pieces.

“I won’t be gone long. The doctor only lives a few doors down the street.”

As I leave I give a last look at Charlie. He struggles to catch his breath. How could someone even think about turning another person into skeletal food? It’s cruel.

Downstairs Geordie’s stood in the exact same spot where I left him. After an initial wow of my house he’s got an awkward look about him. My house is big and expensive meaning he’s out of his comfort zone. He latches on behind me as I leave to fetch the doctor.

Once outside I put up my hood not wanting to draw any attention to myself. Not that there’s anyone about this early. Three doors down and I’m knocking real loud. Probably loud enough to wake the whole street.

It’s the social norm for a legitimate doctor to be called upon at most hours so when I’m almost yelling, we have a medical emergency, at gone four he doesn’t look surprised on answering his door.

“What kind of emergency?”

“A skeletal tried to eat our friend and a crazy lady slashed his face open.”

“Idiot,” groans Geordie.

“What? That’s what happened.” Oooh now the doctor, Anthony, looks surprised. “There’s no need to worry. The attack happened nowhere near Kensington. Completely un-Lundune related. Our friend needs patching up properly. We tried ourselves, but Geordie thought we best not attempt anything on his face. Will you help us? I can pay. Besides we’re neighbours.”

“We are?”

I tug down my hood. “Sure silly.”

“Sorry I don’t recall... Are you Cloudys?”

“That’s open for debate at the moment,” says Geordie. “Are you sure you know this doc?”

“Yeah.” I flick my hair into place.

“Alex Harlington?” It’s clicked.

I smile. “That’s me. Will you help our friend please? He’s lost loads of skin.”

“Can’t say no to a Harlington, can I? I’ll fetch my medi kit.”

“Can’t say no to a Harlington,” snickers Geordie. “Do you have any idea how powerful your last name is?”

“Sort of. I feel like Al. Being a Harlington doesn’t come into it. I don’t even think I’m an Alex any more. Do you feel like a Henley?”

Geordie shrugs. “I never really thought about it before.”

“Really? I think about who I am lots.”

Anthony stumbles out his door clutching a leather bag full of medical implements. “Are you aware your parents are away on business?”

“No, I’ve only just got back.”

“You make it sound like you’ve been on holiday. Do you have any idea how many search parties have traipsed round Lundune looking for you?”

“They shouldn’t have killed his best mate then he wouldn’t have developed panic attack anxiety and ran away.” What a cool partial lie from Geordie. It’s a fab cover story for the main real reason I ran away. “He only came back here for our mate Charlie.”

“Err right,” musters Anthony.

“Where did this business trip take my parents?”


Japan that’s ever such a long way away. Ph-e-e-e-w I’m gonna avoid getting a whole load of agro. Suddenly being home feels awesome. I wave Anthony through my door. He stands staring at broken panels.

“You know I have a spare key for emergencies.”

“A spare key seriously.” Geordie glares from me to the battered door. “A spare key was literally seconds away and you made me bash down the door.”

“I forgot.”

“How can you forget when we were in obvious need of a key?”

“Don’t pretend you don’t like breaking things.”

“I don’t. Chunk’s the one who likes breaking.”

“Let’s not forget Charlie is broken. We ought to hurry up and see to him.” I run upstairs to the attic. Letting Charlie lay down might have been a wrong choice. He claws at the mattress as though possessed while groaning for Hotaru.

“What’s a hotaru?” muses Anthony.

“Does it matter?” Geordie shoves the doctor over to the bed. “Calm him down.”

“He’s getting worse. I don’t think Master Hugo’s salve is taking any effect,” says Danny as he moves aside to make room for Anthony. “Can you help him? We’ve poured antiseptic on his injuries.”

“Have you treat patients with wounds caused by skeletals before?” demands Geordie.

“And dagger slashes to the face,” I add.

“Slashes to faces yes. Skeletal based injuries not so. Can one of you tell me what happened; how he was being eaten?”

“The skeletal tore off strips using its beak, mainly from his arms. Under the salve he’s red raw,” says Geordie.

That explanation is too gruesome for me seen as the memories are very much fresh in my mind. Danny steps out the room. I want to follow him. End up round the other side of the bed to Anthony. Give Charlie’s knee a tap knowing there’s no torn skin there. Keep tapping while Anthony loads a syringe with that liquid which numbs feelings. Geordie goes after Danny.

“You’ve nothing to worry about because you’re receiving top quality treatment.” Tap tap tappity tap. “Not many doctors have numbing medicine these days. You’ll hardly feel a thing while you have your stitches.” Charlie’s not hearing a word. I look past him to Anthony who’s cleaning away blood and prodding at a flap of skin which used to be Charlie’s cheek. “Can you fix him?”

“I can stitch his slash but there will be scarring.”

“Poor Charlie. He was real brave trying to rescue a fellow trainee. Naturally he’s non-violent, prefers to talk. Would make a great philosopher. Am I rattling?”

“A bit. How about you wait outside? You look queasy.”

“Blood is ewww.” I tap Charlie’s knee one last time. “I’ll come see you when you’re less bloody. Not that you’re hideously bloody. You know me over-dramatic.” At that I run out the room before I have chance to gag. Slip down next to Geordie where he’s sat on the stairs leading to my attic. “Anthony's started stitching his face.”

“He’s still making distressed noises. I can hear him,” musters Danny.

Waiting to see if our friend can be saved is the worst. The doctor’s taking forever which could be a good sign. If he were done in a couple of minutes that might have meant it wasn’t worth trying to save him. Would be kinder to let him lose his life quickly. Kill him even, like they killed Jess. Not happening. I edge towards the door.

Geordie tugs my sleeve to make me stay put. “Quit fidgeting. It’s like keeping an eye on a little kid.”

I sit statue still for the longest time. Must be a whole hour before Anthony emerges from my room. All three of our heads snap towards him. Waiting for news is the worst especially when it’s on the verge of being spoken.

“I have managed to stabilise your friend. You may see him if you’re quiet.”

Worry for the worst trickles away. Being stabilised means stable meaning Charlie’s going nowhere. Yeah, he looks better if compared to how he was an hour ago. There’s no blood in sight. His skin is done up with neat stitches, so it looks like he has a cheek again.

“Are you back with us mate?”

Charlie’s eyes flicker over Danny. “Do Al’s parents mind us being here?”

“Not one bit. They’re away on business in Japan,” I say.

“Japan,” murmurs Charlie then he’s asleep.

Anthony starts packing up his medi kit. “As you can see Charlie looks as though he is going to be fine. He’s slightly on the hot side. If he gets any warmer than he is now you let me know. Other than that I’ll pay you a visit this evening to see how he’s getting on. You err kids will be alright home alone?”

Geordie snickers. “I practically dragged myself up. We ain’t rich kids, not even Al any more. Speaking of Al you best quit packing up; you ain’t done stitching yet.”

Crap my arm. I forgot I’m walking wounded. I hold my arm behind my back. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

“Until you start rotting away,” says Geordie.

Rotting away! I thrust my arm at Anthony. “Be gentle. I’m not as brave as Charlie.”

My stomach turns at the thought of a needle going through my skin, stitching the hole. I place my normal arm over my eyes to block the view.

The doctor’s tutting. It must be bad. Worse than I thought. Maybe he’ll have to amputate. Eeek!

“Switchblades. What have they turned you into?”

Oh he’s tutting at my blades.

“Don’t worry about what we are just patch him up. Waiting around is only increasing his nerves.”

I kneel on the floor waiting. There’s been too much waiting this morning. My eyes water over as the sharp scratch scratches. Being healed is worse than getting injured. Being stabbed was quick and I didn’t know it was coming.

“Can someone hold his arm still please?”

I’m trembling lots.

Geordie clamps down on my arm. “You’re doing great. Think about something else. Hey what’s that in the corner?”

I look at what has caught Geordie’s eye. “My guitar.”

“Is that some kind a ornament?”


“Is it special? Jess and a Casey signed it. Who’s Casey?”

“Jess’s cous-s-s-s-s-sin.”

“I see.” Geordie smirks at me. “Quit screeching you’re done up.”

I am. Cool. I snatch my arm away from Anthony, get up quick, having embarrassed myself yet again. “I’ll fetch your money.”

After such a horrid night I could use a hug. It’s a fab job Sunshine’s waiting in the parlour for me. I run down to him and fling my arms round his neck. I’m home but what’s going to happen next? Where am I going to end up? Best figure that out some other time. Right now I need to pay the doctor.

There’s a vault in the basement. There’s also a ton of junk down here too. Sunshine pushes beaks with my old rocking griffon. I giggle as Sunshine jumps into a mound of old boxes as the rocking griffon rocks at him. I wonder what’s in those boxes; probably some of Dad’s old blunt tools. Right there’s the vault. It’s kind of big. The door is thick steel built right into the wall. Hope I have the right combination in my head as I turn a stiff wheel onto six different numbers. No one could guess the combination ‘cause it’s random numbers with no relevance to anyone in my family. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Swing. Gold and silver coins shine onto my face. I reach for a money pouch stashed away in a box fixed to the inside of the walk in vault. Make that five money pouches. I load coins into each of the pouches. I’m only supposed to take coins from the vault in an emergency. I call Cloud High being burnt down a perfect emergency. A doctor needs paying and cupboards stocking for Team Geordie. Done collecting funds I close the vault; making sure I hear the locks click into place then hurry up top, sure Anthony must be bored waiting around. There he is hanging round the front door, well what’s left of it.

“W-w-w-what’s that?” he stutters

“What’s what?” I look behind me. “You mean Sunshine. He’s my griffon.”

“You’re a field agent,” blurts Anthony as I pour a few coins into his hands. “That’s tragic. Your parents never wanted that dangerous lifestyle for you.”

“It’s alright. I get to fly.”

Sunshine purrs. I give him a stroke. “Always got my back don’t you?”

“Well I’ll urm send someone round to fix your door. It’s not safe leaving it broken," says Anthony as he makes a swift exit.

“It’s alright I get to fly,” mocks Geordie from where he’s sat in the middle of the stairs. “You wanna stay as a field agent don’t ya?”

“I’m not sure yet. In any case I think we should decide what we’re going to do next as a team. There’s no way we can split from you.”

“I wouldn’t hold it against ya. Would understand.”

I smile. “We can’t. General Midnight sent Yuki to fetch you. You’re in a whole load of danger.” I flick open my switchblades. “I’m your back up lad, don’t you forget it.”

“Why so loyal to me? I don’t get it.”

I give my loud theatrical whisper because I can see Danny stood at the top of the stairs trying to look inconspicuous. “Because you’re the most generous person I ever met.”

“You’re deluded.”

I wink at Danny. “We both know underneath the attitude you’ve a generous soul.” I toss them both money pouches. “How about we go shopping in Kensington?”

Geordie’s eyes open wide on seeing inside the contents of his money pouch. “No way am I taking this.”

“I’m a firm believer in sharing the wealth. There’s loads more where that came from. I’m not trying to buy your friendship neither do I want you to struggle. Please take it. Besides you’re dressed in uniform; that needs sorting if we intend to lay low. Sunshine can you guard Charlie while we’re shopping?”

Sunshine bounces up and down then streaks upstairs practically trampling over Geordie to get to my room.

Yay we’re off shopping. I walk down Abbotsbury Lane on Geordie’s right, Danny sticks to his left. It’s funny to watch those two staring at structurally maintained houses. Teens in red blazers stroll ahead of us on their way to Kensington Palace.

“Rah-rah-rah. Pounce, Palace Panthers, pounce pounce. Rah-rah-rah. Pounce, Palace Panthers, pounce pounce”

The cheerleading squad is right behind us. Their chants make Geordie jump. Intrigued by new comers the cheerleaders rush round us in a circle shaking their red and white pompoms, making them rustle.

“Wow are you Cloud High students?” says head cheerleader Lucy. She gives Danny her sweet little smile which tends to mean I think you’re hot.

“Yeah or were. What the hell are you?” From under his hood Geordie gawps at the skimpy skirt Lucy is wearing.

“Cheerleaders for our school’s basketball team: The Palace Panthers. What’s with the hood?”

“I’m grotesquely disfigured.”

Lucy shakes her pompoms at me. “And why's your hood up?”

I imitate Geordie’s super thick cockney accent which gains me a smack round the side of the head. I carry on imitating him anyway. “So he doesn’t feel left out.”

“You’re ruffians you mean. I told you girls Cloud High students are rough. It’s a poor people school. The Harlington’s are so charitable giving them a place to stay and learn their ABC’s.”

“Airheads,” grunts Geordie and shoves through them, making them shriek. “I’m glad you ain't like them, Corey.”

“I think I kind of was like them. Cloud High did feel like school until last night.” Plus Jess used to be a cheerleader meaning I spent most of my time round those girls at least until she died; then cheerleaders turned on me by teasing along with the rest of Kensington Palace.

“Not the Cloud High school thing. She called me a ruffian. You might have been ignorant of what Cloud High was but at least you have respect for the unfortunate fuckers that wind up there.”

I pivot round to face Lucy while leaning into Geordie’s shoulder. “The Harlington’s aren’t being charitable. They fund an organisation to train Cloud Associates. It’s training camp not school.”

A roar from above gives Lucy no time to retort. The cheerleaders run off squealing about a monster. Not quite a monster; it’s Chunk. He lands with an almighty thud, cracking the pavement. He keeps on roaring until the cheerleaders are long gone then rocks onto his haunches while giving his griffon smirk.

“How amazing are you scaring away stupid rich girls?” Geordie slaps Chunk’s front shoulder blade.

“Do you think you should be encouraging him to scare people?” says Danny.

“From that kind a crowd yeah.”

That kind of crowd was what I used to be part of.

“Why are you biting your lip, Al?”

“I really want to hurry up and do some shopping. So excited.”

“Shopping woo.” Geordie steps ahead of me, carries on his way down the street. “Let’s get this over with. Hope you ain’t gonna take all day choosing what you want.”

“I won’t. Promise.”

I managed to restrain myself from taking too long choosing a new outfit. Got myself some white trousers and shirt, with a yellow waistcoat, and these ultra cool brown boots similar to my trainee ones. They only took me half an hour to pick out. Danny levitated towards this kick ass leather jacket. Geordie tried to just grab whatever would fit. A slight tilt of the head from me at a red shirt, and crossing my eyes at some black trousers, sent him on the right path. I’m awesome at styling people. I even grabbed Charlie new clothes for when he’s feeling better.

Food shopping was boring. It’s even more boring emptying the contents of my packages into cupboards. Yay here’s the jar containing hot choccy powder. Ooo hope we’ve got some water because I forgot to buy some. I press down on the pump over the sink. Stiff. Nothing comes out.

“What are you doing?” Geordie stares at me from the doorway.

“I’m trying to get water to come out.” I stand back from the sink and wipe my brow with the back of my hand.

“Water what you on about?”

“Water’s supposed to come out of this pump if there’s water in the tank, but my arm’s stiff from pumping.”

Geordie knocks me out the way of the sink and pushes down on the pump. Up down up down in quick succession. Thirty seconds later there’s a trickle of water then whoosh. I grab the kettle and hold it under the pump until it’s filled with water. Geordie’s mesmerised. I leave him playing with the pump. Put the kettle on the stove. Yay my fire’s still burning.

“Cool indoor plumbing.”

“Simple plumbing.”

“It’s smart simple.”

“As long as water comes out I’m happy.” I pour boiled water into four cups, even though I don’t reckon Charlie will be up for drinking something hot yet. Tip choccy powder into the water and stir until it’s dissolved. “Here try this.” I hold a cup out to Geordie. Laugh as he sniffs at steam. I try to drink my hot choccy with some decorum but have missed it so much end up guzzling after only one mouthful. Half my cup is gone already.

Geordie’s only taken a sip. Slight sip turns into a huge gulp. “What is this?”

“Hot choccy. Tasty right?”

“Yeah I guess.”

We take the other two’s drinks to my attic. Charlie certainly won’t want his as he’s fast asleep. Looks calm which is great. I offer the spare cup to Sunshine. He dips his beak in for a taste and doesn’t look too impressed.

“Where’d Chunk get to?”

“On your roof.”

“Eeek. He won’t try to break it will he?”

Danny laughs. “Not unless Geordie gets fired up. So what’s this guitar do?”

The best way to explain is to show them. I get hold of my guitar. Give the strings a pluck. Heeerrrmmm out of tune. With deep concentration I tighten up the strings trying to get the right notes to play.

“Real impressive Al,” says Geordie in his sarcastic voice.

I cross my eyes. Think I’m in tune now. Give a strum. Awesome got it. I carry on strumming while placing my fingers where they need to be to make music. Play them this song I found in a book which helped teach me how to play. The song’s called Sweet Home Alabama. I’ve no idea where Alabama is but know the skies are blue there, or so the lyrics state. I sing the lyrics as I play. A part of me reckons I sound tragic like a wailing wild cat.

Danny stares at me impressed. “That sounds way cool.”

“Did your posh school teach you how to do that?” snorts Geordie.

I shake my head and switch songs to something Geordie might appreciate: Teenage Dirtbag. It’s one of my faves. When done with Teenage Dirtbag I lay the guitar on my lap. “I found this guitar in my basement along with a song book. Jess knew a guy who knew a girl who knew how to play; she taught me.”

“Play us something else then,” says Geordie.

I glance over my shoulder to make sure my music isn’t disturbing Charlie. He’s still asleep so I strike up a new song. Half way through there’s a tapping of fingers against my window making my heart jolt. Startled Sunshine flees out the door.

Geordie presses a finger to his lips. Crouching he stalks over to the window.

“Alex, are you home?”

Please no. My guitar drops out my hands. I grab Geordie’s arm; pull him away from the window.

Tap. Tap. Tap. “Alex, if you’re home let me in. I know you want to.”

I don’t want to let him in but it’d be awful rude to leave him hanging outside on the roof. Okay I’ll say a quick hello then fingers crossed he’ll get bored and leave. I undo the latch on the window. As soon as I do Casey swings into my room.

“I knew I could hear you playing your guitar.”

Geordie glares at Casey’s short haircut with a sleek long side-fringe which hides his left eye.

“Who are these boys, Alex?”

“We’re his friends,” says Danny.

“Just friends?”

“Well yeah.” Geordie turns his attention to me. “You told me you didn’t have any lad mates in Kensington.”

“We’re certainly not friends are we?”

Geordie balls his hand into a fist. “You’re a bully boy.”

“I’m Casey.” Casey gives his signature naughty smile as he winks at me. “You gained a tad more height. Shame I like you little.”

I think my face has... actually I know my face has flared red.

“Have you replaced me? I wouldn’t blame you. He’s cute.”

“Cute!” Geordie takes a swing for Casey.

His arm gets caught by Danny. “Cool it mate.”

Casey slinks right by Geordie. “You not saying hello? No that’s okay. Everyone thought you’d been kidnapped. I figured you ran off some place to kill yourself. I got the running off part right. Ran off to find tough boys to play with. Wherever did you find them?”

“It’s not like that,” I wail. “They’re my friends.”

“Are you most certain? I know what you’re like.”

I can’t stand him implying those sorts of things in front of my friends. My hands tap erratically against my thighs.

“I like it when he gets nervy.”

“Shut it,” warns Geordie.

“You’re making him fall into a panic attack,” says Danny.

“He’s cute when he panics.”

“That’s not very nice,” musters Charlie.

Casey steps closer to me. “I get what’s wrong here. You’re surprised to see me. Is your hair blonder?”

I tuck my shiny hair behind my ears, waiting for the floor to swallow me up. I can’t get to the wardrobe without pushing by Casey. Words. I can make words. No, I can’t.

Casey looms over me continuing to give me the smile which sets off his high cheek bones. “You’re fifteen now right?”

Frozen. I can’t even nod.

“Are you going to play me a song? A really sad one so you cry.”

I have to at least try stand up for myself. Why does seeing me cry make him feel attracted to me?

“This is messed up,” says Geordie.

Messed up. Shrieking I retreat out the door, downstairs, into the bathroom. I slam the door and slide the lock into place. Messed up. My friends will be freaked by what I did with Casey. Really freaked. They’ll probably disown me.

My eyes well with water.

Geordie is alpha. I’m his opposite. Knowing I’ve gone with Casey will have... well he won’t want to hang round with me anymore.

Knock. Knock. “Al. Open up.”

That’s Geordie. I choke. “I know I’m weird. Leave me alone. Please.”

“Listen if you’re embarrassed you’ve no need to be. We kind a already knew. It’s obvious. We were wondering if you’d ever tell us you’re into lads.”

From on my knees I slide open the lock. Tears flood as Geordie opens the door. I stare at the floor. Try not to make choking noises. Into lads. Why do I have to be into lads?

“Did you hear me? I don’t care that you screw around with lads.”

Screw around with lads that sounds so crude. I must be crude. Geordie’s world turns right while mine turns a wonky un-balanced left because I was born weak and weird while he got born tough and cool.

“It’s okay.”

“How can you say it’s okay? What I did with Casey must freak you out.”

Geordie kneels opposite me. “Why’d I be freaked?”

“Because you’re a lad lad and I’m a prissy.”

“Hell Al. I ain’t intimidated by your sexuality if that’s what you mean. Quit crying.”

Tears keep coming, consuming words.

“Did that Casey sleaze bag make you do something you didn’t want?”

I shake my head.

“If he did I’d knock his teeth out. He’s messed up getting a kick outta seeing you upset.”

Ooh Geordie meant Casey’s messed up wanting to see me cry rather than me being messed up for going with him. “I thought you’d leave meeee!”

“Why? You’re my best mate.” Geordie gives me a sharp shake then holds onto me. “See I’m sound around ya.”

I blink, trying to get rid of the tears. Some linger despite me calming down. A smile beams. He called me his best mate.

“Tell me I got through or I’ll have to move you onto Danny ‘cause I’m outta words.”

“What if you saw me kissing girls would you mind then? Because I think I like those too. Ashley confused me when she kissed me. I know her kiss was for show but it felt good. She’s smart and pretty don’t you think? Not that she’d ever want to go with me. She likes tough lads who can stand up for themselves. Is being attracted to both wrong?”

“If you like both you’re bi. Jeez Al lad I’m glad I don’t live inside your head it’s bloody chaotic. Do you think you’re done being weirded out by yourself yet?”

I hold out a hand. Not shaking which is a positive sign. “Think so.”

“Cool.” Geordie shoves himself away from me. “When did we last eat? I’m starved. I’ll make us summat yeah.”

A Geordie retreat. Before he disappears I tap at his shoulder to say thanks for putting up with my personal issues.

Dead nervous of what the other two will make of me I take the plunge, go into my room. Eeek Casey’s still here fiddling about with my guitar attempting to ignore Danny squaring up to him.

“You do know Geordie meant what he said. He will shove you out the window if you’re still here when he gets back.”

Pluck goes a string. “Is that what he said? I was having trouble understanding his vulgar accent.”

“Do one or I’ll gladly push you out the window myself.”

“And I keep telling you I’m staying right here until I’ve told Alex something.”

Okay be cool. Geordie accepts me for being bisexual meaning there’s no need to be scared. I won’t lose my friends. “Told me what?” I tilt my head slightly to the side, showing Casey my cute pose. I don’t think he’s seen it before. I was in deep depression when we were messing around with each other.

“You know. That I’m urrrr...”

I step past Danny right over to Casey, eyes up, looking my enemy right in the eye. “Can I tell you something?” I whisper right by his ear, trying my best not to giggle.

“Please do.”

“You’re toxic. Used me for sex when I was at my lowest, because I have blond hair.”

“You want me Alex.”

“No you want me for personal gain but you’re not my type.” I flash a peace sign. “Go find someone else to play with ‘kay?” The giggles explode as Sunshine bursts into my room. He heads for a startled Casey. Head butts him right out the window.

Purr. Purr. Purr.

Some people have rock solid coping mechanisms. Charlie happens to be one of them. He slouches into the headboard of my bed slowly turning pages of a book I fetched him from my mum’s study. I didn’t think he’d be up to reading for at least a couple more days. Eyes focus intensely on words, sentences, paragraphs until plonk, Geordie dumps a bowl on top of the open book.

“Careful, you’ll scruff up the ink.”

“That’s the thanks I get for making you lunch? In the future I’ll let you try surviving by eating your books.”

Geordie slumps himself in the chair at my art desk. Takes a mouthful of his soup. Pretends to swallow but most of it leaks out his mouth into the bowl. I swirl some sort of meat round with my fork. Take a bite despite Danny shaking his head at me. I swallow gagging. Push the concoction to the floor then lunge for Charlie. Swat away the food he's holding to his mouth with my fork. A lump of meat bounces across the carpet. "Don't eat it you'll be killed off!"

"Ungrateful little brat," huffs Geordie.

"Seriously mate what did you do to this?" Danny stares into the depths of his soup.

"Chopped up chicken and threw it in a pan of boiling water for ten minutes."

"Only ten minutes. You'll poison us." Danny distances himself from his lunch.

"What? No one ever taught me how to cook."

The three of us burst into laughter while Charlie stares into his book but isn't doing any reading. I move his bowl away for him. "Are you getting too hot?"

"No I... sorry I... you came back."

Geordie spins round on my chair. "That's a stupid thing to be sorry about."

"Isn't after I ran after Lee and Tanya instead of staying with you."

"Whoa a chair with wheels!" Geordie launches himself towards the bed. A slow wheel over really because the carpet keeps him from picking up much speed. "Forget about it. Cloud High got set alight. Everyone panicked."

"You three managed to stick together."

"Not exactly. Al here went flying after Ashley. Point is no one hurts my lads even if they do something stupid like try to help their old tight knit friend circle."

"It was futile trying. Tanya was murdered trying to protect the first years. I saw her fall and Lee I don't know if he got away."

"Doubtful. Most were killed when they got to the bottom of the hill. We only survived 'cause Hotaru showed us a safe way."

Both me and Danny sit on the bed. "We're sorry about your loss. All those bodies." I shudder.

"So what? They're gone. We're here." Geordie stares at the ceiling as he spins on the chair. "We won the ultimate team building exercise."

"People died," musters Danny.

"You three are alive job done."

"What do you mean exactly?" Danny watches Geordie spinning with something between concern and pissed.

No answer comes just continual spinning. Makes me dizzy watching. Charlie's book thumps to the floor. He's fallen to sleep. I'm tired myself so slide to the floor sure I'll be asleep in seconds. Danny drops a cushion on top of me. I hug it instead of placing it behind my head. It's hard to fall asleep with a curious Geordie chair wheeling round your room, snooping through your drawers, and messing up your shelves.

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