
The Choosing

January goes by too fast. Before we know it we're heading to the griffon paddock for the choosing. An excited buzz zips round third year mixed in with swirling nerves. None of those nerves belong to me seen as I already know a griffon won't pick a wimp like me, who can't grasp flying or use any form of weaponry.

Danny's eyes have taken on that empty sheen as we head up the slope then over the battle ground. I nudge him with my elbow. “Relax, you'll be fine.”

“I don't think the choosing will go in my favour.”

“You'll be picked I can sense it.”

“How exactly?”

“You and Geordie were made for field work. You'll be the next Jordan and Cain."

Zel's griffons have cleared out the paddock. We join our class who are stood in the paddock waiting for griffons to arrive seeking riders. Different griffons come every year. No one knows which ones will turn up, but some always arrive at nine o'clock sharp on the fourteenth of February. Master Hugo perches on the paddock fence waiting to see who will be joining his tutor group, while Clover stands ready to lose trainees. For once Charlie is the last to arrive for class if you can call the choosing a class.

I've never seen Geordie so focused before. He watches the sky. Waiting. He wants field work so bad. Scrap that he is desperate for a griffon. We'll never hear the end if he isn't picked. I'm sure he will be.

The griffons are here. Wow! Look at them zoom in formation through the clouds and circle to the ground. Hotaru is at the head of the procession and is clearly the most vibrant of the griffons; stands out with his blazing red. Seeing Hotaru has turned up, a wave of excited chatter fills the paddock. Apparently, he didn't bother showing up last year, and the year before snubbed everyone. From what I can gather, from excitable whispers, some new comers are mixed in with the regulars.

When the griffons have landed they approach the paddock. Several griffons nip and push through the smallest griffon which has grey feathers and talons.

“Who's that at the back?”

“That scrappy thing's Grey. We're not even sure he is a griffon. Looks more like a skeletal which has wandered through some feathers,” says Geordie.

As the griffons enter the paddock silence descends. Grey branches off from the group, wandering on his own, as though in a daydream. I tilt my gaze in Hotaru's direction. On doing so see this huge black griffon hurtle out the sky. He lands with a thud. Charges towards us, straight through the paddock, breaking the fence. Keeps coming, practically knocking over the other griffons.

“Not Chunk!”

“Get out the way.”


Our class yell as they scatter round the paddock. Chunk is coming right at us without any signs of slowing let alone stopping. Everything happens super fast. Instinctively Danny tugs at my sleeve. This time he's no need, I'm ahead of him, meaning we almost end up in a tangle. My breaths catch in my throat. Geordie wasn't quite with us, and Chunk's charged right at him. Pinned him to the ground with sharp talons. He's growling too. All anyone can do is stare. Even Clover looks worried. I heard Chunk shows up late every year, charges round like a hothead being rude, then takes off. He's never smacked a trainee over before though.

Geordie stares Chunk out, making direct eye contact with the griffon's deep blue eyes. Gets roared at. In response Geordie merely snorts. Chunk rocks onto his haunches, letting Geordie loose.

Geordie slouches onto his elbows. “Is this you like yeah.” Which gains a rush of air mimicking Geordie's snort. “Chunk cool.”

I smile really pleased for Geordie's success. “He got snapped up quick.”

“Record time,” agrees Danny. “Chunk knew exactly what he wanted.”

“They're totes alike. Both charge round, arriving late, with attitude.”

Danny smiles at his best friend. “Yeah. Deserves to have a griffon.”

Now I gotta make sure Danny gets himself a griffon too so he isn't separated from his best friend. Making it as a field agent is about confidence. I look round the paddock scanning it for a compatible companion for Danny. Oh, wow Max is embarrassing himself going around griffons attempting to pat them. Hotaru gives him a dead eye and struts off. He moves onto a honey coloured griffon who yawns at him then shrugs her wings. She's lounging in a tuft of overgrown grass. Max tries making eye contact with her for a second time. Only her eyes flicker over Danny.

“That honey coloured griffon, I think she looked at you.”

“Doubt it. She'd come over if she wanted me. I've a gut feeling I won't get picked.” Danny slumps into the paddock fencing.

“She looked at you again. I'm most certain. Maybe she wants you to approach her.”

“If I did and she snubbed me that'd be me done. You only get one shot at this. Approach the wrong griffon and the others won't wanna know.”

“Someone should have told Max that.” I give Danny an encouraging push. “Honey over there seems the casual type like someone else I know.”

“You really think she acknowledged me?”

“Trust me I'm a fab judge of judgement.”

“If this goes wrong...” Danny steps over to Honey, leaving me hanging, seen as he didn't bother to finish his threat.

I take Danny's spot leant against the paddock. Watch Geordie standing in awe of Chunk, with Hotaru wiped completely from his mind. Yay Danny's edged right over to Honey. I think he's asking if he can sit down. Does sit down. How tense. Honey makes no movement. They're both playing the cool card.

A small way further along the fence sits Charlie. Not wanting to impose on anyone else getting chosen by a griffon I go over to him, knowing he wants logistics.

“Hi. May I sit with you please?”

“If you like.” Charlie's watching Tanya whose sights are set on Hotaru.

I jump onto the fence. “Fun isn't it seeing who gets chosen?”

“I think it might just be Geordie and Danny this year.”

Yay Danny's so lounging with Honey. A slither of gloom sleuths into my yayness. Those two will do loads together; continue training with Master Hugo then venture into the sky, leaving me behind. We'll grow apart. In reality I was only a temporary part of the team. Not to worry seeing them happy is worth whatever lies ahead for me.

“Do you think Clover will ram me into recruitment?”

“I doubt it. I heard Master Zel talking to Master Clover about putting you into relief.”


“Yes. Master Zel was saying you've got a special talent with people.”

“How? I get teased by almost everyone.”

“Before you came along I'd never seen Geordie smile. And Danny's more confident. I happen to think you're a class clown. Perhaps relief needs someone with a strong sense of humour.”

“Like logistics need your brain power. You, Lee, and Tanya are gonna rock. Do you get the blue blazer?”


I strum an air guitar. Charlie stares at me perplexed. "Never mind. So blue blazer will you get one if you graduate?"

"Yes. Logistics and field agents get to wear the blazer. Not that the blazer matters. What are you doing?” Charlie asks as I look him up and down.

“I think a darker shade of blue is more your colour so you're right the blazer doesn't matter. 'Kay?”

Ooo Hotaru is coming our way. He's got this real stately air about him. I half think I ought to be bowing my head in his presence. I refrain from doing that. End up edging a touch away from Charlie as Hotaru stops right by us. Butts his head against Charlie's hand.

“Oh, err am I in your way?”

“I think he's saying hello,” I say as Hotaru butts Charlie's hand a second time.

“No, I'm in his way.” Charlie slinks off the fence and folds his arms. Hotaru butts his shoulder then tosses his head back. It gets comical watching Charlie walking away from Hotaru who follows him. “Bother someone else.”

“You've made a new friend,” I say.

“No, I haven't. I'm going into logistics.” Charlie pushes Hotaru's shoulder blade. “Go to Max, he wants field work.” He stares over at Clover. “I've worked for logistics.”

“I know and it's a shame to lose you but Hotaru has chosen,” says Clover in her sternest of tones which is usually reserved to complain about my accessories or Geordie's crude comments.

“Hotaru's made a mistake. You have to put me in logistics.”

Leaving Charlie to plead his case with Clover I jump down from the fence and jog over to Geordie and Danny who have grouped together with their griffons. “I'm so happy for you two. Congratulations!”

“Thanks Corey.”

“Yeah thanks. Honey like gets me.”

I crane my head skywards. “You're gonna have loads of fun up there when you're not on jobs. You promised me rides remember?”

“Only if I got Hotaru. This is Chunk.”

“Meanie! I'll be stuck with Clover and you won't take me on rides. Meanie.”

“About you,” Danny turns the mood more serious, “we have to make sure you get relief.”

“Sorted. Charlie told me, he heard Zel telling Clover, I'd make an awesome relief worker. So don't you worry about me 'cause I'm not getting jammed into recruitment.” I am going to miss them terribly but best not dampen their happy choosing day with my future loneliness issue.

Geordie smirks over at Max. “That's recruitment fodder right there.”

Some people. How shameful stamping round openly blaming the departing griffons for not making it as a field agent. Poor Grey hasn't set off yet and gets a rock flung at him.

“Get gone. No one wants you with your dirty grey feathers,” cusses Max as his rock makes an impact. He has another at the ready. I bet he wouldn't dare fling a rock at any of the other griffons. They'd peck his eyes out if he did. As Grey moves out of range Max follows him and takes a fresh shot. Being fast I run over there. Try bat the rock away with my arm, miss, and fall over myself which gains laughs from most. Still on the floor I straighten myself out the heap I landed in. “You shouldn't take your frustrations out on the smallest griffon because none of them wanted you as a friend.”

“That's not what I'm doing,” growls Max. Raises his hand to throw a rock at me but a glance from Geordie warns him off, so he storms over to Collette in a huff.

“Ignore Max he's just a big bully. Small is cute and being grey isn't so bad.” I laugh as Grey rubs his head against my hand like a friendly cat. As I keep petting Grey I realise the paddock has gone deadly silent and no one save the two of us seem to be moving. Everyone's staring. Clover's eyes are practically popping out the sockets. Master Hugo's leaning so far forward on the fence he's in danger of toppling off.

After a long time of awkward silence Geordie comes up behind me. “Whoa, Corey.”

“What? He's just playing.”

“Playing with you.”


“So that means you've been chosen.”

Chosen? I draw my hand away from Grey. “No. He's only playing silly. He'll fly away home any second.”

Only Grey makes no indication of flying out the paddock after the other griffons. He rubs his head against my shoulder as though wanting to be petted again. “You mean I'm a-a-a-...” My legs want to buckle as shock sets in.

“Field agent yeah.”

I kneel on the ground scared I'll fall if I stay standing.

“This is awesome,” Geordie suddenly exclaims.

“Awesome! I'll be killed,” I wail.

“No, you won't. I'm gonna watch your back up there. I thought we weren't gonna get much time to spend with ya. Was getting sort a worried.”

“And you're not now? I'm super worried. I can't even fly good.”

“Not worried 'cause we get to stay together as a team.”

Danny sits with me. “Just like those team building exercises.”

Team. “You mean I'm not going to do relief?”

“No relief for you. You're a field agent with us.” Geordie sits with me too.

Despite the petrified swirls in my stomach a smile spreads across my face. I'm not going to have a future loneliness issue. I drag Geordie and Danny into a group hug. “We get to be in the same tutor group and have identical classes. You're right that is awesome.” Only managing a few seconds of my hug, they push me off so I move onto Grey. Wrap my arms round his neck. “Thank you for picking me.”

“You can't let Corey be a field agent he'll be a liability,” protests Max. “That's not even a proper griffon, it's grey. Might have dealings with Thunders.”

“I think Grey might have been the runt of a litter,” says Clover. “In any case Corey has been chosen regardless of how useless he will be.”

“But it's not fair I'm much more capable. Why would a griffon, even a runt, want him?”

Did Clover imply I was useless? I give my sweetest smile and tilt my head slightly to one side. “Grey chose me because we're both little, weird, and targets for bullies.”

“That's one way of explaining it,” sighs Clover. “Skies help you with those three, Master Hugo.”

“Herm the skies yes.” Master Hugo beckons at us with his sword. “Let’s be having you. We've lots to do today.”

Lots to do means weapons practise every day. Scary. At least I'll be seeing a lot less of our year. Who knows perhaps without being baited by bullies and teasers I'll get the hang of combat. Grey rubs his head against my chest.

“I hope you know you've signed yourself up for flying after scary Thunders too,” I say on taking a few steps over to Master Hugo. Everyone stares at me as Grey keeps trying to get petted.

“Chunk we're supposed to be going to the training arena,” calls Geordie as Chunk leaves the paddock, thrusting himself into the sky. “Get down here!”

“Now you know how I feel,” laughs Danny as he slouches by Master Hugo.

“He'll come in his own time,” says Master Hugo his eyes on the sword point. “Charlie, you're in the wrong group.”

“I'm logistics, sir.”

“You don't get that choice. You go where you're needed.”

Grumbling Charlie steps away from where he wants to be. Has merged into a mopey bubble which even excludes Hotaru.

Next chapter