
River Landing

The river swept from the high mountains, through the hills and down towards the coast. The last few miles it snaked through the north western edge of the forest. Where it met the sea it cut through the land with cliffs on the southern bank and hills on the north.

Reyas and Addo rowed carefully for two miles while the other sailors constantly checked the rivers depth. 

I stood with the captain. "There's a bank around the next bend."

He nodded and waited patiently as we steadily moved upstream. When we wound past the bend and the bank came into view he nodded and smiled. "This is good. Can we tie to a tree?" He pointed. "The sand is good there, no rocks."

"Hand me a rope," I said, and a sailor scampered to comply.

The captain called down to Addo. "All stop." And the oars began to catch and brought us to a stop.

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