
The Emperor's Second Eye

The emperor's long explanation was still not over. Fortunes still didn't get the answer he wanted. Maybe he could pull some conclusions, but he didn't want to rush things.

 For the fortune tellers in Sotah, Fortunes could penetrate other people's minds quite easily. He could figure out a person's bad intentions and the plans that person would use to commit a crime.

 However, some beings in Sotah had a barrier around their soul, which would ward off any foreign substances that tried to enter. In other words, Fortunes would not be able to read the minds of those creatures, one of which was the emperor.

 "Dorodas is known as the emperor who worked hard, because of his efforts to make a revolution to build new monuments. However, he found no success. In the end, he wrote a journal and placed it on the main shelf in the palace library. He wrote about his research which was difficult to carry on.

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