
Black Hole in Posei's Stomach, Mysterious Parallel World

A giant horn appeared on the side of Xyros's head.  His dark, flowing hair seemed to be burning with flames that suddenly licked from his body.  The texture of his skin hardens, forming lumps like steep stones that were very dense.  Then claws came out of his fingertips, extending for several meters.

 "Impossible!  This can't be happening," Posei said nervously.  His legs that were extending into the air seemed to have shrunk drastically.  In his fear, he did not realize that the rain had stopped completely, in the middle of the water level that had reached the waist of an adult.

 Xyros rose in a new body transformation after a huge puff of smoke enveloped his body perfectly.  It wasn't long before his new figure emerged from within the puff of smoke, more burly and bigger than before.

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