
The Commander of The Fire Had Died

 Puma's body had been knocked down from above, with a limp movement due to unconsciousness. The air around her seemed to swallow her or drag her to tear her whole shirt apart, though that didn't work.  To be sure she looked pathetic with a slap of water that came down with a flood from the sky. She had managed to create very heavy rain.

 Lumo screamed and was still running around Puma's body.  If translated he might say, "Hey, help us damn it!  We've put a lot of energy into helping you!  Destroyers, warriors of the Euros!  Realize you guys!  The Destroyer I was guarding almost hit the ground."

 And Lumo was still screaming with his language. His brown tail, as brown as the hair of Puma's, now looked tense amid the pounding rain. Sometimes he tried to punch Puma in the face, trying to wake her up.  But there was only futility.

 Lumo's eyes, which had thin brown lines in their irises, now looked gloomy.  His face that was always smiling and excited now looked confused.  Lumo once again screamed.  Finding no help at all, he finally jumped down, trying to perform his giant transformation.  Only he could save Puma, even though the transformation would be very draining without a direct bond with Puma who should wake up.

 But the risk must be taken!

 Lumo's body was already bouncing down, he spread out his two small arms. The air around him hit his fur and face, including the raindrops that occasionally got into his eyes. His fingertips began to swell, followed by several other parts of his body.  Just as the transformation was almost touching a quarter, Elang suddenly came and grabbed his body.  Velix was sitting on his back.

 Lumo pranced happily after he was in the grasp of the Elang's claws.  Now he climbed enthusiastically, broke free swiftly, and climbed on the Elang's feet, tugging gently at the feathers. Under the pounding rain, Lumo approached Velix. He jumped up in one fell swoop after the tip of his head popped out from below.  Soon he was standing next to Velix saying nagging things to him.

 Velix nodded as if he understood.  His hair was completely wet, his face like a wax sculpture melted by the rain. His voice was sometimes faintly drowned.  From above, lightning also did not hesitate to continue to strike.

 "I'm coming, Lumo!  You should rest now while waiting for Puma to recover.  Don't do any transformation because it will drain your strength!"  Velix shouted so that his voice wouldn't drown in the rainstorm.  Another lightning bolt struck, almost hitting them.

 Velix dodged the thunderbolt, leaning over after he managed to make Lumo sit quietly.  Now Velix felt Lumo's tail coil around his neck, while his small hand pointed in the air, at the spot where Puma was still crashing.

 Velix leaned forward, looking a little wobbly when he saw the very dense clouds that seemed to swallow up the sky.  The lightning that struck was like a universe weapon that could destroy it.

 Velix whispered, "Puma's power is no joke."

 After Velix braced himself, he immediately ordered Elang to speed up his movement.  Velix's body leaned forward against the heavy rain.

Elang was now flying, swooping in the air with a fairly exhausted wing movement.  It was as if his feathers were trapped in the rain, making his body weight heavier and harder to move.  However, Elang continued to strengthen his flapping wings, repeatedly escaping when lightning struck downwards.  The lightning managed to scorch and destroy several monsters who were fighting below.

Elang flew very hard in the air, Velix tried to protect his eyes from the onslaught of rain.  "Elang, we have to hurry.  Down there Posei looks worried!"

Elang climbed upwards, flapping louder than before.  On his back, Velix gripped his fists. Elang's wings seemed to hit all the water to be knocked back while his body soared higher to catch Puma's body.

Elang looked for his potential point.  When he saw Puma's body spinning gently in the air he immediately swooped down right below Puma.  It didn't take long for a small blow to hit Elang's back, and Puma had landed in safety. Elang continued to flap his wings to fly.

 Lumo screamed when he saw Puma's body.  Hurriedly he let go of his tail that was wrapped around Velix, pierced through the rain curtain, and shook Puma's weak and unconscious body.

 Velix realized that.  "Argh, Puma fainted?  Damn, this is so bad!  I'm not sure I can beat Posei alone.  I might be able to destroy Gorg because he has started to weaken with this heavy rain.  But Posei won't be affected by the power of this rain."  Velix was silent, still glancing at Puma with a glance.  He then looked at Lumo who was still busy with his little scream.  "You couldn't wake her up?"  asked Velix hopefully.

 Lumo turned his head and didn't answer anything.

 Velix chose to immediately go downstairs, trying to find a place where he could hide Puma's body.  But he found a stalemate.  "Lumo, I can't create a wall of energy for other people.  Do you have any suggestions where I can put Puma's body?"

 Lumo was looking for a haven for himself and Puma.  The heavy rain made his vision narrow.  He immediately climbed up Velix's body and stood on top of his head, his tail wrapped around Velix's neck.  Before long Lumo pointed in a direction, at the point where the carcass of an earth monster lay pathetically.

 Velix narrowed his eyes after spitting out the water that had entered his mouth.  And soon he nodded and directed Elang to go to the place where Lumo was pointing his index finger.  "Elang, flew to the Southside, behind the bubbling body of the earth monster.  It's over there!  Let's fly now, pal!"

Elang's flutter was lighter below because at least he didn't have to dodge the sudden lightning strike. After all, in the area where he was flying, the intensity of the lightning strike was relatively small.

Elang's body twisted nimbly, occasionally dodging the rage of a monster that tried to grab him wildly.  Then there was a monster who suddenly jumped from below to reach Elang's feet.

 Elang immediately dodged, flapping his wings at a slight angle.  His body shook slightly as an explosion occurred right beside him, as a Destroyer killed a monster. Elang jerked backward until he finally regained his balance, and continued to fly until he reached his destination.

 "Take care of yourself and Puma, Lumo!  I'll be right back when this war is over."  Velix nodded at Lumo, who looked like a lonely orphan.  Velix circled with Elang and now set his sights on the place where the core of the universe's wakening procession took place.

 Before he arrived, Velix still had to face Gorg, who hadn't given up completely.  Gorg tried to protect himself by creating a fire curtain so that rainwater did not hit him directly.  However, because of the rain that had been pouring down from the sky, Gorg barely managed to protect himself.

 Rainwater had filled the ground, bringing the water level above the heels.  It made the soldiers of the Euros need to transform into a half-smoke form to fight.  They put their all into it, along with the other Destroyers.

 On the other hand, Velix felt grateful that the only fire elemental Destroyer was Folcar.  Therefore the other Destroyers who were still fighting were not bothered much by the rain.  But that's still not a good thing because now Folcar was in Posei's digestive tract.  If lucky then Folcar would still be alive if he could find a safe place to hide so as not to be crushed with gastric juices in Posei's body.

 Velix swooped to the side when suddenly he saw a swing of a firearm almost hit him.  He thought that Gorg had attacked him on purpose, but he was wrong.  What happened was that the Gorg staggered and fell to the ground, while from above the Gorges were already screaming and falling, with the body starting to slowly extinguish.

 Bozak appeared to be plunging from above, with his half-smoke and half-human transformation.  From above he exploded various energies to destroy Gorges' body.

  Now he swerved, clumping together with the smoke in his body.  And then he swallowed the Gorges, making explosions after explosions within the plumes of smoke he created.  All of this took place amid very heavy rain.  Not long after, the sky seemed to shatter with light that exploded violently.  Gorges' screams rang out and he died, really dead.


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