
BSWS CH-4 First Fight

As Sakura watched, Mizuki and Iruka clashed with each other. Iruka used a basic Kunai while Mizuki was using a Fuma Shuriken, a very powerful weapon in the right hands.

After clashing a few times, the result was as expected, Iruka's lower quality weapon and his injured state both contributed to his defeat. Mizuki was able to send him flying back, with a big slash on Iruka's chest.

"You are finished Iruka!!" Mizuki screamed as she spun the Fuma Shuriken on his hand. As it reached highest speed he could get it to, he sent it flying at Iruka.

'Alright, that is time!' Sakura thought. She sent a dozen senbons flying at Iruka, attached to ninja threads.

The senbons pierced Iruka's clothes at various points and using the threads Sakura pulled him back with a big heave. The Fuma Shuriken missed Iruka by inches, leaving a big gust of wind in its wake.

As soon as Iruka was out of the way, Sakura did a series of combat moves. First she used Sakura Blossom Petal Storm on Mizuki to hinder his senses. In the moment he was busy, she somersaulted over the still flying Fuma Shuriken and managed to catch it accurately mid air.

She spun the Fuma Shuriken on her palm and wrist just like Mizuki and sent it flying back to him, after enhancing it with a bit of her chakra too. The Fuma Shuriken flew towards Mizuki with twice the speed he had thrown it.

Right after she sent the Fuma Shuriken towards him, Sakura also transformed a bunch of leaves into substantial Kunai and sent them flying at the points where Mizuki would most probably escape if he wanted to dodge the Fuma Shuriken.

However, it seemed that her Genjutsu was more potent than she gave herself credit for. The Fuma Shuriken completely stabbed through Mizuki's right chest, shredding his right lung to pieces and even crushing a bunch of ribs.

Mizuki's eyes widened in shock and pain as the Genjutsu got disabled due to the attack. He coughed out big globs of blood and looked at Sakura incredulously. Thankfully Sakura had taken precaution to cover her face and even transform her face beneath the face mask.

"It is over Mizuki!! Your plan has failed." Sakura said after changing her voice as a part of her transformation.

"He … heheh …. heh…. ugh … I didn't want to rely on this and become a monster, but it seems if I don't do that then I will die here." Mizuki muttered as his eyes glared at Sakura crazily. He pulled back his sleeve and pulled a glass capsule tied to his wrist.

"This potion is not completely ready yet, but you forced me!!!!" Mizuki screamed with the last of his energy as he crushed the glass capsule and swallowed the potion.

Sakura felt a wave of danger tingling her senses. She remembered something about Mizuki and a forbidden potion, but it seemed her actions had forced him to consume it in an incomplete form. In original timeline this was supposed to happen much later.

As the potion affected him, Sakura saw that his chest healed swiftly, at the same time, his arms started swelling and mutating horribly.

He looked really weird, two huge arms that looked similar to a humanoid tiger, his face disfigured partially to a tiger like face. Yet from waist down he looked human.

'Okay, Now this is getting serious!' Sakura thought as she took out her dull blade sword. With a simple transformation jutsu, she turned its edge from dull to sharp. Since it was only a simple change she could hold it for a long time. Transformation took more Chakra the more elaborate it was.

Mizuki went crazy once he finished this monstrous bizarre transformation. He was extremely uncoordinated because of his limb mismatch, however his strength had increased tremendously.

Sakura used her entire focus to dodge his strikes while slashing with her sword whenever she got a chance. However, she was losing chakra at a much faster pace than Mizuki was losing stamina.

As a last gambit, Sakura sent another Sakura Blossom Petal Storm to distract Mizuki. Aggravated by the loss of his senses, he instinctively picked a side and started running in that direction at full speed.

Sakura was initially glad she managed to repel him, but then she realized that the direction Mizuki was running in led him to a collision course with the now semi-conscious Iruka.

'Oh no!!' Sakura thought as she rushed towards Iruka. But with less than 10% of her chakra left, she was out of ideas as to the action she should use to save Iruka.

However, the hero came right when he was required. Just as Mizuki was about to maul Iruka in his mad dash, an orange humanoid bullet crashed into his side. The force sent Mizuki rolling and crashing through trees.

Sakura saw Naruto standing protectively in front of Iruka, his actions reminding her of the original timeline.

'Hmm, as expected. Some things will never change.' Sakura thought as she watched from the sidelines. Naruto executed his signature Multi-Shadow Clone jutsu to summon a thousand clones.

Naruto used his clones as expendables and did kamikaze attacks on Mizuki repeatedly. Whether it was the result of Naruto's attacks or Mizuki's side effect to the incomplete potion, Mizuki soon fell on the ground unconscious. Immediately after, his body shriveled up into a husk.

Seeing the result, which was Naruto's triumph, Sakura slowly hid herself with her Chameleon Hiding Genjutsu and left the place. Naruto had learnt his signature jutsu and the journey of the future hokage had begun.

Sakura had nothing more to do tonight as she was sure that the old manipulator Lord Third will take care of the rest.

She was even sure that it was only due to Lord Third's manipulation that Mizuki had got so far. Otherwise how could someone like Naruto steal the Scroll of Seals from Hokage mansion itself.

Keeping her thoughts to herself, she roamed around the village and took multiple detours and disguises before arriving home. Drained of her chakra and stamina, Sakura could barely hold off long enough to change into some nightclothes and crawled into her bed.

She took a few minutes to organize her experiences of the day in her mind and listed her various shortcomings and weaknesses. The biggest weakness she suffered tonight was lack of chakra, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. In the coming weeks, she swore to resolve them all.

Soon, Sakura passed out due to sheer exhaustion she had put herself through. She slept peacefully, lost in a dreamless sleep.

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