

(A few days ago, just as the boat sailed through the night. Everyone was having a hearty feast for the accomplishments of a war long done. However, Mario does not touch his spaghetti. He sets his sights on one particular person)

Luigi: Hey bro, are you going to finish that?

Mario: I'm... I'm gonna take a minute. (leaves the table, only to look back when he notices Luigi reaching for his spaghetti) & if you dare take even a small morsel of it, you're a dead bro. (hurries off)

Luigi: OK.

(Mario then went out of the cabin & towards Lo, who was looking to the horizon, one hand holding the railing. Mario then flicked a tater tot he took from the banquet to the back of his face, catching his attention)

Mario: Hey there, bro.

Lo: What's up, Mario?

Mario: Listen, about back there, on the island...

Lo: Are you trying to pity me? Because my roommate already did it a while ago.

Mario: It's not like that. It's just that... I have never seen such undying loyalty in a person before, let alone know anyone about it.

Lo: You saying?

Mario: What I'm trying to say is... you are a great friend, Lo. Not just that, but even our metaphorical big brother. & I respect such a brother like it.

Lo: (snickers a bit) True to that, Red. (fist-bumps Mario, then hugs him) You sure are one in a million, Mario.

Mario: Bro... (let's go on the hug) Now come on already. I can feel Luigi gazing at my food again.

Lo: True to that.

(The two then went back to the dining hall, as a pair of eyes looked on Lo in particular)

~2 days later, Mushroom Island Port~

Senko: (waddles back & forth, feeling concerned) I sure hope these two are alright.

Nakano: Relax, Senko. I already called them & they did fine.

Senko: But the reports said there were too many casualties in the battle. I don't even know why I was that stressed when I was supposed to help you.

Nakano: Yeah, well. It happens sometimes.

(A distant boat horn interrupts their conversation as the cargo doors lower. They have been greeted with the sight of their daughter, only with a few slight changes)

Both parents: ZEL! (rushes to hug her)

Zel: Oh. (gets bear-hugged by her parents) It sure is nice seeing you two again.

Nakano: Oh thank goodness you're alright. Senko here was worried non-stop about you ever since news of the war came out.

Senko: (nudges him on the shoulder) Come on. I'm not THAT worried!

Nakano: (sarcastically) Sure, you ain't. (to Zel) But at least you're still sa- (notices the changes) Wait a minute, what happened to your face?

Zel: I guess you can say that was an effect of the war.

Lo: I think it looks great.

(The three then looked at the doors to find Lo smiling at the family. He is wearing the same clothes as Tari's, only that his neck collar's puffier, it is unzipped, and he now sports a metallic prosthetic arm. At first glance, he even looks like Tari's distant brother)

Zel: (blushes a bit) & you don't look so shabby yourself.

Lo: Yeah, well. E. Gadd & Tari helped me out with the new looks. She even said that it looked good on me.

Senko: I can tell. & also, sorry... about what happened to the both of you.

Lo: Eh, it's OK. After all, the most important thing is that your daughter's safe & sound.

Nakano: True to that. (that's when he notices a crowd of people comforting an orange-haired girl, who happens to be in distress) What's going on with these people?

Lo: Yeah, well. It appears that not all of us managed to come back here alive.

~A few hours later, Mushroom Kingdom Beach~

(A simple boat funeral has been held for Desti, Meggy's long-time rival turned friend, who sacrificed herself not long ago. As they're waiting for the formalities to start, Lo tells Zel's parents about what Desti is like & the consequences they face. Their joyous faces had faded to lingering sorrow. For Senko, she felt that if she saw Francis again, she would strangle him with his tail for causing such a tragedy. Nonetheless, they cannot change fate)

(Meggy walks onto Desti's casket, which had been adorned with flowers. Thinking back on the short times they had together, she lays down her Blaster before staying, ladened with grief)

Tari: What's wrong...Meggy?

Meggy: I don't know what to do.

Bob: I think you're meant to push the boat. (gets nudged by Saiko)

Meggy: She died because of me. If I had just been a little faster or a little better, then she wouldn't have... I just don't know what to do.

(Without anything left to lose, she breaks down in tears as her close friends watch on. However, she felt a slight hug from the back. She looked aside to see Lo, who wanted to comfort her)

Meggy: Listen, Lo. You don't have to do this.

Lo: I know. But I feel a bit guilty too about her death. If I had called out the gang sooner, then we wouldn't end up like this. Maybe Desti could've even still be with us now. But I do know that you'll have to get back up, no matter how bleak the situation becomes. You understand, right?

(Zel & her parents looked at Lo with pride, as they saw that this roommate had long matured since the incident alone. & it's not just them, but the entire SMG4 Gang too)

SMG4: Yeah, we know you've been knocked down a lot lately, Meggy.

Tari: But you always have to get back up again!

Luigi: And if you can't right now, that's okay!

Boopkins: Because we'll be right here to pick you up!

Bob: Yeah, I'm really good at picking up chicks.

Saiko: You know what he means...

Mario: Meggy... (looks at Lo with a proud glance, seeing that this is what true friends should do. & seeing that he sees Meggy as a younger sister, it feels much more comforting) Mario isn't very good at expressing himself... In fact, Mario isn't very good at anything. But one thing I'm certain of is... Mario will always have your back. No matter what.

Meggy: Thanks, guys...

Axol: You're welcome, beanie human girl.

(With a heavy heart, Meggy pushes the boat off to sea, saying farewells at the same time. As the 21-gun salute rings through their ears, everyone makes a growing salute to their fallen comrade, even to Desti's former teammates)

Meggy: I promise you I'll win Splatfest. For us.

(Everyone then looks at the looming sunset as the old era comes to an end. Both Lo & Meggy know that they'll have to brace for the unknown. But as long as they have friends at their side, it will be alright)

~Much, much, later, on an undisclosed location~

????: Rise & shine, o tiny star.

?: (wakes up only to find himself at the run-down chapel) What is this place? & why did I feel lighter all of a sudden?

????: Oh don't you worry. I made you perfect again, just as you long wished to be.

?: (breaks a few nearby pillars out of spite) Listen, bucko. If you dare to steal my powers, you got another thing coming!

????: Oh nononono. I don't want that. No. I came because I will give you a performance of a lifetime for a simple little boy. & you had the guts to bring in such a show.

?: If it calls for some massive destruction, you can count me in.

????: Splendid. (hears someone arriving close by) It seems we can talk about this at dinner. (the harpy-like creature drops off a small Mario recolor, who was terrified through his experience) Thank you, Alpha. You have been excused.

(Alpha then flies off as the two entities take a closer look at the recolor)

?: Mymymyyyyy... she does get a bountiful harvest, ay?

????: I always served the best of the best.

(The recolor can simply do nothing but scream, but when you're somewhere hundreds of feet below sea level, no one above can even hear you. Let alone the only subjects present be the ones to are ready for the feast)

End of Ch. 7

I just wanted to add a little more interaction between Lo, Mario & Meggy, even if it's a slight nudge. Regardless, our red plumber's already proud of my boy, even consideing that he's a better brother (sorry, Luigi).

Also, I would like to introduce you three familiar enemies to the story earlier than expected. Who are they? Well, you'll better read on to find out.

Thanks for reading & I'll see you on the next updated chapter!

Electric_Logancreators' thoughts
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