
Arena Forty-One: Abomination VIII

"Parrot... Is the base safe?"

I asked while trying to keep my voice as normal as possible. I didn't want to associate myself with cults, but I had no other choice.

These "Knights" were extremely valuable as allies and extremely dangerous as enemies. I had to keep them on my side at all costs... Even if that meant lying and deceiving them.

"Yes, Your Majesty! The base is safe, we cleaned up all the creatures that had entered the area."

"Good... Then, we'll talk face to face once we enter?"

I asked, trying to end the conversation for now.

"F-face to face with His Majesty himself?! O-of course!"

But her words made me wonder whether meeting her in person was the best choice... or not.

"Come on, let's enter."

I sighed and cut the call before gesturing the driver to drive forward. The agent relayed the decision to the other cars. The convoy soon entered the base and finally, we could see the damage to the base.

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