
Arena Twenty-Seven: Foul Restrictions I

[Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains.]

[The word 'chain' could signify many things. Love, work, family, reputation.]

[As long as he lives, a man can never be truly free. The freedom he gains is momentary, it is superficial.]

[Yet... he struggles. Against his fate, against his destiny.]

[And that struggle is one of the most beautiful things of life.]


"It's getting late."

I muttered, looking at the sky. It was around 4 P.M. I felt slightly sleepy as I saw the sun slowly tilting towards the western sky.

"Yes, it is. Should we go back for today?"

Anastasia asked in a quiet tone, but I noticed the disappointment in her voice.

"Well, how about we meet up tomorrow after the classes end? I'll take you to my dormitory and let you meet with the members there."

I suggested, smiling wryly. Hearing my words, Anastasia's face beamed.

"Really? Alright, I'll look forward to it."

She tried to keep her composure but the corners of her lips were tilted upwards. She looked extremely cute like that.

"Alright then, we have a deal!"

I laughed and bid her farewell as I walked towards my dorm.



Jeffery groaned as he leaned against the side of the alleyway. He had been unconscious for over an hour now. His crotch still hurt, but fortunately, no one had stolen anything from him while he was down.

"That bitch..."

He groaned as he opened the bag. Inside were three items, carefully packed in plastic cases.

The first one was a black bracelet, with pulsing red lines running through it. The second item was a silver orb, with a small screen on it. And the final one was a small rectangular memory device.

"Hah... This..."

Jeffery picked the third item first. He looked at the rectangular card for a few seconds before tapping his fingers on its surface.

Almost immediately, a holographic screen appeared over the card, showing an image of a boy interacting with a girl.

"So, that bastard is that bitch's favourite?"

Jeffery laughed at this coincidence as he swiped the screen to the right. Another image popped up of the same couple, but from another angle.

"Guess I'll bait him out with her."

He smiled eerily before standing up and leaving the alleyway.


"Oh, you are back."

Raymond commented as soon as I entered the building.

"Yeah, I am. Have the others come back yet?"

I replied with a nod as I closed the door behind me.

"Not yet. Apparently, an S-rank skill holder was found, so it's an uproar there."

"An S-rank.. Eh... ?"

I muttered, smiling wryly. They were causing an uproar just because of an S-rank, what if I told them that I had two SS-rank skills available.

It wasn't a good idea, anyway, so I shook my head to discard that idea.

"Yeah, also three A-ranks and twelve B-ranks. Usually you don't see so many high rankers."

"I-Is that so..."

I smiled nervously as I nodded. Then I started walking towards my room.

"Going back to your room already?"

"Yeah... I'm tired. I want to take a nap... Why? Do you need me for something?"

I asked looking over my shoulder.

"No... it's just that...  Except for the welcoming party, you haven't interacted much with the other members of the dormitory."

"... I can't deny that."

I slowly said, looking down.

"It's not too late... Yet. But if you don't interact much with them, they will create groups without you. And that might end with you being isolated completely."

"... I know that, alright. And it's not like I don't want to meet them, it's more like I didn't have the opportunity to."

"I know. It's fine. It's not like you are obliged to meet with them, but I'm just saying that you should."

"Yeah. I understand. I'll keep it in mind."

With that, I returned to my room.

I quickly got out of my dress and emptied my bag. Then after I sorted everything (the fake gear, gun etc), I jumped on the bed.

Sleep slowly took over me, pushing me into the land of dreams.


"... Grandma!"

I was crying. I was calling out to someone I didn't know... No, perhaps that was wrong. I was calling out to someone I had forgotten.

"... Mom..."

My father was right beside me, kneeling on the ground, looking dumbstruck. My mom stood behind us, silently sobbing.

In front of me raged a wall of sand and thunders. Stepping into that would destroy my entire existence. I knew that.

Yet, I stepped forward. My small legs dragged me forward. Inch by inch, I stepped closer to that wall of pure destruction.

I extended my hand and watched it being torn apart.

I extended my leg and watched it being torn apart.

I felt no pain. I felt nothing.

Just like a hollow shell. I felt like I had turned into a doll.

"... Take me."

I whispered to the wall of death in front of me.

"I can't."

It replied.


I asked in a monotone voice.

"Because... You are not destined to be torn here."

It replied with a laugh.

The shapeless voice was mocking me.

"I choose my destiny."

I hissed before stepping into the incarnation of pure dread.

I wanted to be torn apart... Yet...

"Not yet."

A gentle voice reached out to me. Immediately, everything around me turned white.

"Our child, you may not retreat."

A chorus echoed throughout my existence.

"Our child, you are bound."

A chorus full of force restrained my very soul.

"Our child, you will free us. You can not lose yourself into the abyss before that."

A chorus demanded.

"... Why me?"

"... Because... You are a presence that exists everywhere."

The words felt ominous to me, even though the voices were gentle.



I opened my eyes. My head hurt like hell.

"I feel like I am forgetting something..."

I muttered, trying to remember whatever I was forgetting. It felt like I had an important dream, yet I couldn't remember what the contents were.

"This is confusing..."

I gave up after a few minutes due to the increasing headache. Perhaps it was a side-effect of the skills. I didn't know, but this headache certainly wasn't a nice thing to have.

Yawning, I looked outside. The moon was already up, shining brightly.

'I guess I will go have dinner.'

I thought as I stood up. Straightening my clothes, I opened the door and stepped outside into the corridor.

I could hear the laughs and voices coming from the dining hall.

For a moment, I hesitated. Should I really go there?

I had separated myself from them, just like Raymond had guessed. I didn't want to intrude upon them.

Yet, after a few moments, I decided to step forward.

As soon as appeared in the dining hall, all my dorm-mates there stopped talking and looked at me.

I stiffened as I felt six pairs of eyes focus on me. Then... One of them spoke up.

"Ah! Arnold! Long time no see! Come, join us!"

Julius invited me with a smile. At his words, everyone else smiled and gestured me to join them.

Even Quin, who seemed to hate me, didn't protest. He just snorted and looked away.

Seeing their faces and acceptance, I felt a warm feeling inside my heart.

As if, a part of me was healing itself. I didn't know what, I didn't know why it was wounded in the first place.

Yet... I felt fulfilled.

"Yeah, thanks for having me."

Perhaps it wasn't too late for me... Yet.

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