
The Promise

"I did it!" she said. She couldn't help but cheer for herself. She knew how hard she worked to get to this moment. She was proud of herself, and she deserved to be.

Tyler gave her a playful spin before setting her down.

"I'm so proud of you, baby," he told her as he cupped her face. He leaned forward and kissed her passionately, holding her close as they melted into each other.

"Thank you for being here for me," Melina told him sincerely once they parted. It meant the world to her that he cheered for her in the stands. She had been upset this morning because she missed Benjamin so dearly. He was supposed to be here too, but she knew that he would've been proud of her.

"Wherever you want me to be, that's where I'll go," Tyler promised her.

Melina chewed on her bottom lip for a moment as she looped her arms around his neck.

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