

Just In




The Wolf prowling across dimensions by Pandora's Reader

 Highschool of the Dead & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア Xover Rated: M, English, Family & Adventure, [OC, Rika M., Shizuka M., Saeko B.], Words: 820k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Nov 17, 2021 Updated: Nov 9 779Chapter 90: It's time

I don't know why this chapter fought me so much.

I've added a Worm omake to the last chapter, so check that out. It's short, but it's important It's made me have to change a bit of the next chapter, which was the original 82 btw, even though I'd already had it finished. Ugh.

Juan - I doubt it'd be allowed. Yin's system would probably stop it. One Piece could be fun, but it's too low powered at this point.

Jell - There's one in the last chapter now. It's short, but important.

Brayanr - With how much it's asked for, I just might. No idea where I'll put it on the road map, but oh well.

Nitewolf - He's not.

Wently - The bite's not coming till a while. I say that, but I'm not sure when it'll happen.

{A week later, Maccillian's POV}

At the moment, it was just Nemuri and I on the couch, she had her head in my lap because my Vouivre thighs were and I quote 'softer then my body pillow', watching the news. The meatheads, and Mirko, had gone annoy the shit out of anyone in their path. The kids had gone off to a surprise trip to the arctic yesterday, Eri wanted to see Santa, none of us had the heart to break the news to her, so off they went. Rika, Hestia, Shizuka and Saeko had gone to supervise them, while Saya and Athena stayed home to finish working on their projects.

Anyway, the news was boring, until Nemuri switched to a channel that had a story that we both were interested in.

-And so, one of the biggest scandals of the decade comes to a close! Former #2 Hero: Endeavor, also known as Todoroki Enji, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison on charges of child abuse, domestic abuse, and manslaughter.-

Hearing that, I couldn't help but blink. (Almost forgot about him... Huh... Wonder how that'll fuck with Dabi's whole, 'I lived, bitch!' Thing... Eh, don't care.) I wasn't gonna go check on the kid, despite the fact I could probably find him in a few minutes if I really felt like it, no one can hide from the overpowered Minimap + Terrain Master + Werewolf Senses combo. A sigh from my lap got my attention, and I saw Nemuri looking a little sad. Her ears were all droopy, while her tail was down, Rika had bitten her when she earned it, so despite not being a permanent member of the pack, she was one of us now... Which meant, that even if we weren't pretty much bestfriends, it was up to me to ask. So I did. "You good Nemmy?"

My bestfriend/dominatrix/hero/future colleague(Weren't those a fuckton of things?) Sighed again, and waved her hand at the TV, showing an image of Endeavor being led out in cuffs, with Aizawa doing his whole 'Ahaha, no', thing so the idiot didn't fight. "It's just, we all knew Endeavor had some screws loose, it'd be hard not too when he saw nothing wrong with letting his fires give people damn near, if not actually fatal, burns. Villain or not... But that? I heard you the first time you brought it up, but I just thought it was a fucked up joke..." She sighed again, and I gently wrapped my tail around her waist. I got a smile for that, and she gently rand her fingers through my tails fur. "Thanks Zaka-chan."

I rolled my eyes at that, she was locking that in for her nickname for me, despite it not even being one, and I couldn't convince her otherwise. "It's whatever Nemmy."

She hummed at me again, and just kept petting my tail. It was interesting to me. Nemuri and I were both sexual people, there wasn't a single piece of evidence to refute that, but in a situation like this, neither of us really thought about it. Sure, we'd fuck around and joke or talk about sex or shit like that, but for some reason, neither of us made a move on the other. Granted, neither of us minded a casual grope here, or a spank there, but we didn't go further then that. It was like we were bestfriends that just happened to like touching each other... Which was weird in of itself, but neither of us cared about being normal. For a bit, Nemuri and I just chilled on the couch, with me fucking with her Werewolf ears because I could, not really caring about whatever was going on...

Then one of the most rapid fire knocks I'd ever heard sounded off, and I sighed, while Nemuri laughed. "Heeey! Anyone homeee?! If you are, can someone come open the door?" It was too early for this shit, it wasn't though. So, making a hand construct, I sent it over to the door, and had it open it. The moment the door was opened, a blue blur zoomed into the livingroom, and stopped right above us. So, a wild Nejire in slip ons, ripped jeans and a turtleneck appeared. "Hiii Ms. Midnight! Wolf Milf! You two look cute like that. Can I take a picture? Please say yes. I like yes. I'm gonna take a picture." And just like that, without input from any of us, Nejire whipped out her phone, and started taking pictures... Like, all the pictures.

I felt a small headache forming, and even when I toggled my Inviolability it didn't go away. (Oh joy of joys.) Most likely fully aware of my exasperation, Nemuri chuckled, not minding at all. "Hello to you too Hado-chan. How're you doing honey?" For obvious reasons, Nejire was Nemuri's favorite student, and we all knew it.

Said favorite student grinned, and put away her phone after she was done with it. "I'm great! I was bored though. Mom and Dad are out at work, which ew, work, while most of my other friends are busy. Mirio and Tamaki are out doing something, I'm pretty sure they're on a date, not that Mirio would know because he just doesn't understand human stuff like that," Hello pot. "And I didn't want to interrupt if they actually were. I'm going to get the details later though because even if I'M not following them, it doesn't mean that no one else is." Nemuri and I shared a look at that, and both understood that sentence was just the tiniest bit stalkery.

Looking up at her, we locked eyes, and I raised a brow at her. "You gonna come down to earth anytime soon chatterbox?" I didn't mind flying in the house, I did it, Rika did it, Saya did it with small Nevermore when she felt like it, hell, Himiko would probably do it if she could get away with it. (Huh... Now that I think about it, a bunch of us can fly when we realistically shouldn't be able too... Oh well, fuck you gravity and species limitations.)

Nejire blinked at me, and after doing her best impression of a metronome with her head, did a loopty loop, and gently landed onto the couch, next to me. Nemuri and I both gave her a look for that, since there was more space and two other couches she could've gone too, and she chose to be right next to me. Seeing our looks, the little fairy just shrugged. "What? It'd be awkward if I went somewhere else. Besides, it's not like either of you mind. I know you don't." I mean...

Sharing another look with my domesticated dominatrix, we both seemed to have the same thought. (She's not wrong.) Not that either of us was going to admit that to her face.

"Anywaaay! Fun channels here we come!" Huh?

Looking at her, Nemuri and I both saw what she had in her hand now, and were equally confused. ""When did you get the remote?""

Nejire looked at us, as innocently as she possibly could, friendly reminder, Shizuka was my first wife, and Lili and Eri were my daughters, then spoke. "What remote?"

We stared at each other for a bit, then broke it off when the sound of Saya cackling... Evilyyy, reached our ears. The three of us shared ANOTHER look, and somehow, we agreed to just ignore it... The fairy also raised the volume as Saya's cackling got even louder... (What the fuck is going ooon?)

{Saya's POV}

"IT'S ALIVE! IT'S ALIIIIVE!" Did I NEED to cackle? No. Was it making the experience better? Eh, debatable... But it was still fun to do.

Context, I decided to get a head start on the combat class machines, I'd already had one due to the Sawtooth, and worked on another machine. So two days ago, I rolled a dice with my focus, and ended up landing on #14. And #14 just so happened to be the Thunderjaw... The robot T-Rex with laser cannons and other fun weapons. Personally, I wanted to make a Stormbird, or a Tremortusk, but I was fine with the T-Rex.

And seeing it fully complete, it's base form that is, was amazing. (Now, I just need to ensure that I don't think about how badly the crazy battle maniacs in this house will destroy my creation... I'm going to miss Murder Machine Shaped Like a T-Rex #1. While his sacrifice may be in vain, I will never forget him... Until I make a better one. Then I'll stop giving a shit.) That brought me out of my cackle fit, and I sighed. "Ah, whatever." That said, I began running diagnostics, and went through the usual starter tests. It was during those tests that I got a call on my focus, coming from Nezu. Interested, I answered, and saw him, in his new form.

See, during our months as partners in science and friends, we had come upon an interesting question. 'If I bit him, would he gain a human form?' The Hellhounds did, and they were dungeon monsters turned adventuring Werewolves. So, Nezu should gain one as well.

And he did.

I'd bitten him a month ago, we'd finished up my Sawtooth series, and I'd donated them to him and Majima to play with, and I'd done the deed. It had taken him 10 hours to wake up after the bite, and the moment he was given the chance, he shifted into his 'human' form. He was 152cms(5 feet) tall, which was amusing, had his rat rat ears on top of his sleek and short white hair, and his scar was the same, just seemed a bit smaller. His face seemed childish, if you ignored the scar, and according to Zaka, he looked like a copy of Ciel Phantomhive. After watching that anime, we agreed that he did.

Anyway, he was in his new form, which he kept secret from anyone not in his/our inner circle, and was smiling at me. "Yes? I'm sort of busy here Nezu."

The rat turned man gave me a chuckle as I went through the tests for my Thunderjaw, then eventually spoke. ~Well hello to you too Takagi-san. I'm calling to inform you that something quite interesting has been brought to my attention, and I believed it should be brought to yours.~

I spared a look to Nezu, and hummed. "You've got my attention. Hit me, Nezu."

He chuckled a little, then I saw him tap his focus, which resulted in a file being sent my way. Humming, I checked the file, and blinked as I read it over. ('Mutation quirk holders experiencing enhancements to their physical capabilities, Emitter typed quirk holders experiencing easier quirk use, as well as increased potency. Transformation quirk holders are finding it easier to use their quirks, and also experiencing a minor boost to their physical capabilities, while accumulation quirk holders are requiring less time and resources to use their quirks to their full potential...' Interesting.) There were a few more files, files on specific heroes that we interacted with, and other random ones, showing updated physicals and capabilities. Now, I understood the ramifications of this the moment I read the files, and I couldn't help but grin. "Finally, we're getting results!" Nezu grinned at that, but I didn't pay it much mind. I focused on what these changes meant, and started wondering how this could go. "I'll need to bring in Orca and Mirko, maybe Hound Dog too, and examine them. They might be internalizing their mana, boosting their muscles and organs... Which makes sense considering their DNA is changed due to their quirks. Emitters seem to be mixing mana with their quirk, maybe their quirks element decides their affinity? Hmm, test for later. Transformation users seem to be following the Mutation path, internalizing their mana, and going from a mix of the first two for those that can make projectiles? Then we have the Accumulation types... Is their mana using itself as a substitute for whatever they need? It could be something else... Hmm... So much to test, so little time." I was pretty sure that was becoming my catchphrase, and I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not.

Anyway, that got a laugh out of the ratmaster, and I laughed with him. ~Ah, truly, there is not enough time in the world for us scientists.~ I felt that. I was still working on multiple projects, the GAIA system, the Horizon machines, refining the Mana Reactor systems, making designs for the dragon craft machine to give Kohta so he could stuff it in his hammer space, and a few other things. Now I had that? Well, I was going to be busy for a WHILE.

"Just means we have to make time." we really did. When I wasn't relaxing or fucking, I was in my lab, or at U.A with Nezu and Majima. Those parts of my day were usually 10 hours a day, at the very LEAST. (Hmm... Do I need a vacation?) I didn't feel like I did... (Eh, that's what the holidays are for. I'll relax whenever the next festival or holiday comes up.) That wasn't entirely healthy, but I was an immortal Werewolf with resources beyond mortal understanding. Working for 70 hours a week was nothing.

~That we do indeed. Anyway, our shared understanding of time being a cruel mistress aside,~ I snorted at that, which earned me a chuckle. before he went on. ~What exactly are you up to now, Takagi-san?~ Instead of answering, I shared the readings, and my perspective with Nezu, whose eyes widened at the sight of a 900cm(24 feet) tall robotic dinosaur lumbering around. He spent a few seconds going over the readings, then started chuckling. ~Do you mind if I add in Power Loader, Takagi-san?~

I shrugged at that. "Sure. Just know I'm going to be rubbing it in his face that I made a robo dino first."

Nezu laughed at that, and slowly raised his hand to his focus. ~Understandable.~ Tapping his focus, I saw a window pop up, and was connecting to Majima.

It didn't take long for him to answer, and he popped into being, in his hero costume and most likely in his lab. ~Hey gu...~ Majima dropped whatever tools were in his hands, and even with the helmet on, I could tell his eyes had gone wide. ~Sweet mother of Christ on a bicycle.~ I snorted. ~This... This... It's everything I've ever wanted.~

That got another snort out of me. "Want to come see it in person?" I already knew the answer to that question before I asked it, but I had to ask just for redundancy.

Just like I thought, Majima practically jumped out of his seat, and started running out of his lab. ~I'll be there in ten!~ Huh... He cut the call there, and that just left Nezu and I, in the call, looking at the space Majima's call had of us knew what to say at the moment, so we both just settled for looking at the robot dinosaur walk around the training grounds.

It just worked. (... Hm... I should probably tell Kohta I'm done with the Thunderjaw.) He was looking forward to it just as much as Majima was... (Takashi too now that I think about it. Zaka and Kendo would probably be ecstatic about it too... Ugh... Boys.) Granted, I fawned over my mechanical terrors too, but I was their maker. So I got ALL the passes.

That aside, I sighed ,and tapped my focus, bringing up my contacts. "I'm going to call Hirano. You fine with that, Nezu?" The Wererat creature man nodded at me, and I hummed as I called Kohta... Who I remembered was in the fucking arctic with the others. (Gods, I hope they're not fucking everything up.)

{Saeko's POV}

There was something cathartic about eating a penguin. Yes, they were adorable creatures, Shizuka, Rei, Hestia and I had recorded her glomping a baby penguin, and it was beyond adorable, but they were also tasty snacks. Granted, I wasn't eating it anywhere NEAR our youngest daughter, I may have been a cruel and sadistic woman, but I wasn't THAT cruel. We had broken off into hunting groups, I was with Himiko and Kohta, and had gone off in search for food. Himiko was happily digging into another penguin, while Kohta was eating some fish he obtained by shooting the nearest fish he could find. It was nice, just being out in the wilds, and eating game raw. Himiko LOVED it, just as much as Saya and I did when we first ate those deer on our first hunt. Anyway, our group was nice and peaceful.

Then Kohta's focus began to beep, then played his ringtone 'Born a Rockstar', which meant he had a call. Himiko and I just kept eating, while Kohta shifted back, sat on the snow, and answered. "Go for the Koh, what's up Saya?" Himiko snorted at the way he answered, and I had to give her back a good smack with my paw to stop the bone from going down the wrong way.

My daughter chocking on penguin bones aside, we looked at the visage of Saya, along with the floating window containing the principal of U.A, in his new bipedal form. Saya looked around for a moment, raised a brow when she noticed Himiko and I eating a poor couple of penguins, and shrugged before turning back to Kohta. ~Here.~ That told me nothing, but seeing the way Kohta blinked, went stiff, and just STARED at some numbers and other mathematical equations, it was most likely something they would find interesting.

Himiko and I watched as our fellow pack member kept his awestruck(?) Look, and shared a look of our own. Her golden fur was covered in snow along with some splotches of blood, especially around her muzzle, but the way her eyes shone with curiosity was an indicator to just what she was thinking. 'Waz happenin?'

I wasn't entirely sure, so I shrugged. 'Uncertain. Most likely a project of theirs.' Himiko blinked, and tilted her head to the side.

Cutely. 'Makes sense... What were they doin again? Wasn't payin em attention when they started going into big word territory.'

It was my turn to blink, and mentally go over the current projects Saya had been working on. While I may not understand the science or math behind them, I kept up to date on her projects. After all, it was mostly my job to drag her out of her lab when she required social interaction. (Or sex... But we don't always leave the lab when that opportunity arrives... Anyway.) That aside, I went back to thinking about her current projects, and paused when I thought about the current Horizon series machine. (Did she finish the base form Thunderjaw?) That seemed like the most likely answer, and one I shared with Himiko.

The vampiric Werewolf I'd 'surprise adopted' stared at me for a moment, then shifted back, not caring for the environment, or the fact she was directly on top of the Emperor Penguin she'd been eating. She looked over to Kohta, and spoke. "Yo smarty mommy." I would always find amusement in what she called Saya.

Speaking of her, Saya's hologram turned towards Himiko, and raised a brow. ~Whatcha want Himiko?~

"Did you finish the T-Rex with laser cannons without us?" She had her priorities in order it seems. Saya just tapped her focus, projecting the scene she was looking at for us, and we saw it. The beast of a machine, lumbering about. If I hadn't faced down monsters, my lord, in any of his combat forms, or any of the pack when we spar, then I may have been a little awed.

But since I had, it wasn't that important in my opinion. I could create a better ice construct if I truly put an effort into the expenditure. (I could go the Esdeath route and summon a legion of knights, create a meteor of ice, a million spears ready to impale my enemies to death. I could follow my lord in creating wolf constructs, and truly emulate his wild hunt.) I had other options as well. But the path I followed was my own. I was 'The Creeping Chill of Winter', and my use of that ability had me fully embracing that fact. Winter was MY domain, and so wherever I went, the all encompassing and freezing winds of winter would follow.

My capability to bring the next Ice Age aside, Himiko stared at the machine, mouth hanging and eyes wide, as she just stared. "That's all kinds of bullshit... I love it... I want one." At that, I took a moment to position myself comfortably, and shifted back.

The action wasn't missed, and after a quick look of acknowledgement from Saya, I turned to my little bat. "Himiko." She turned to me, and blinked. "You will NOT be getting a Thunderjaw."

Himiko pouted. "But maaamaaaaa!"

That earned her an eye roll. "No Himiko." She tried the puppy dog eyes. "Still no." She drooped her ears and tail, and I raised a brow. "The answer has not changed in the single second it took for you to do that." Whining, then, a sudden blink. The tell of her activating her quirk begun, and we, everyone aside from Kohta was watching, watched as she grew, and took on a familiar form. Before us stood a facsimile of my lord, in his casual wear, but bereft of his draconic and Werewolf features. It brought out a sense of nostalgia in me, it had almost been a year since I'd seen him without those features.

It reminded me of simpler times.

"Not even for me?" The grin on her face was similar, but not the same. The way she spoke was in the same tone, but had no weight behind it. She stood properly, but not perfectly. There were many tells, even without the obvious features missing, that she was not my lord. So I created a 'roll of newspaper', and bonked her on the head. "Yo?!"

I smiled at the 'betrayed' look she gave me, and hummed. "The answer is still no my little bat." She pouted again, which resulted in a strange look when it was on my lord's face, but I went on. "Now, change back." Himiko huffed, but did so anyway. It was interesting to learn that her new choice in clothing, even I was unsure just WHY she chose a sailor uniform, stayed even after she let go of her quirk.

A hum from Saya took my mind off Himiko, and I looked at our resident genius. She looked amused, and had a grin on her face as she looked between Himiko and I. ~You do realize that I'M the one that makes the bots, yeah? I could make her a dog sized Thunderjaw for Christmas or something.~ I blinked, and realized that yes, she COULD do that.

It seemed our daughter understood that as well, since in the blink of an eye, she was suddenly doing a perfect Dogeza in the snow. "Please n thank you!" That got chuckles from everyone else, and I didn't stop my smile from growing.

Saya crossed her arms, and hummed with the smuggest look she could. ~We'll see.~ That was most likely a 'maybe', so the possibility that Himiko would one day have a miniature Thunderjaw was more then 0. Himiko looked up, and did the puppy dog eyes all over again. Seeing that, we all chuckled, especially when Saya denied her just as I had.

It was strange, having our daughter beg for her own robotic dinosaur, but it was our brand of strange.

And I wouldn't change it for the world.

{Maccillian's POV 2 hours later}

Watching Majima drop onto one of my other couches was funny, especially because he still had his helmet on. Nemuri had taken a few pictures, for blackmail purposes obviously. Nejire would've probably done the same thing, though, she left an hour ago to go do... Something... None of us were sure since she suddenly got a text, squealed in joy, then zoomed out the nearest window... Nemuri and I had shared a look, then decided that we were just going to ignore that.

Anyway, Majima. "You mess up the furniture, you buy it."

The support her groaned at that, and flipped over to look at me. I could tell he was annoyed at me, even with the helmet in the way. "Aren't these things self repairing? You wouldn't be losing anything if I damaged the furniture."

I raised a brow at that. "Yes. So? I can still annoy you for damaging my couch." He STARED at me, and we held the look for a bit.

Then Nemuri closed the fridge, she got hungry and raided my fridge for snacks, as house guests usually do, and looked at us as she started munching on my Cheetos... (Should've put em somewhere OTHER then the fridge... Eh, I'll just yoink some when she sits back down.)

The two of us looked at her because of the noise, and she hummed. "I'm all for some steamy staring, some rough and tumble on a nice couch," Of course she was. "But what's the point?"

She said that last bit as she looked at me, and I shrugged. "There is none. It's just fun annoying people." The two heroes snorted, and my bestfriend walked over to sit back down by my side.

The three of us talked from there, mostly normal shit, like 'how were your classes', or 'any fun villains show up', 'any gossip pop up', shit like that. It was almost like we were normal people for a bit. It was good.

Then shit stopped being normal when I heard a certain synthetic voice.

[Get ready, it's time.]

(Huh... Well, there goes the rest of my day.) I'd forever deny using my Werewolf form and buffs to pull a Superman and get changed.

No matter WHAT Nemuri said.

[Omake - Happy feet, happy family. Shizuka's POV 3 hours ago.]

Penguins were adorable. My daughters were adorable. Adding both of those together? SUPREME ADORABLE! Eri was playing with a baby penguin, a pinglett? Penglett? Pingu? Something something baby. She was doing the little penguin waddle, and it was just the most adorable thing I thought I'd ever seen. (We should get some penguins to take home. Maybe take some eggs? We can hatch them at home. Have our own little happy feet!) I paused when the little Pingu fell over, and thought about something. (What do they need to hatch again? The daddy penguin sits on the egg... Right? Or is that dragons? Uhh... Huh...) I wasn't sure, but that didn't matter.

I watched as the rest of the kids played with penguins, made snow angels, or did whatever else they wanted to do.

As they did that, Hestia was cuddling with another pinglett, a look of pure happiness on her face, Rei and Takashi were off looking for seals... Or fish... Maybe a Walrus or two? (What were they doing again?) I had no idea, I lost track of them after Himiko tackled a sea lion because she felt like doing it. Rika was by my side, and watching our daughters interact with the wildlife. The other kids were there too, but our daughteeers.

"It's kinda weird when you think about it." I hummed, and looked at Rika. She had a smile on her face, and looked as peaceful as I felt. "A random offhand comment, and we just go off to fuck," A quick look around confirmed little Eri was too far away to hear her mother curse. "Around in the arctic." I got it. Even after everything that happened, I still had that rare thought that this was maaaybe a little too crazy. I never really paid attention too it though, because this was my, and our, life now.

Surrounded by family, loved ones, and enjoying life. Sure, it took a zombie apocalypse to get here, but what was one little apocalypse compared to now?

Nothing, that's what. It was beyond perfect, and I loved every second of it.

Eri tripped at one point though, so I didn't enjoy THAT, even if she wasn't hurt thanks to her aura. But everything else was fine.


Name - Maccillian Silver Zaka

Title(s) - The Silver King of Wolves/Sköll/Godslayer

Level - 4

Age - 22(2,822)

Strength : B - 780(1,340)

Endurance : S - 935(285)

Vitality : 153,110

Agility : B - 750(1,280)

Arcane : A - 875(1,280)

Wisdom : 3,170

Charisma 4,085

Luck : 2,780

Unique Skills - Apex Shifter, Werewolf Form, Apex Physiology, Wolf King's Wisdom, Wolf King's Wrath, The One True Wolf, Fenrir, Sword of Damocles. Tír na nÓg

Development Abilities - Magic Resistance D, Spirit Healing C, Mage F

Sub Skills - Iron stomach, Flames of Helios, Magic Sensitivity, Terrain Master, Hunter Senses, Blessed by the Ocean. Overhaul. Weather Manipulation

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