
Chapter 7: ?TALON

?I'm not in the best frame of mind I know as I leave the steps and head towards her dorm. There're a lot of spectators hanging around waiting to see me lose my shit but I won't be giving them a show. Just hearing her voice had calmed me down a little but I'm still pissed the fuck off.

I'm not a hot head by any stretch of the imagination, but I am known to lose my shit once in a while and when that happens things can go south fast. Right now it's taking everything in me not to destroy everything in my path as people scramble to get out of my way. All I know is my girl had better be there when I get there or I won't be held responsible for my actions.

As soon as I see her with my own eyes and get some answers I'll calm the hell down. She's turned me into a fucking lunatic is what she's done in the last few weeks. My once peaceful existence is anything but since I met the little pain in the ass.

It's not that she's outright disobedient or anything, she just has a mind of her own which sometimes fucks with my program, and that causes friction. I'm still working on getting her to toe the damn line but she's proving to be a handful.

I saw her coming around the corner just as I reached her building. This is another bone of contention I need to take care of. I want her to stay with me in my off campus condo, she thinks it's too soon. She doesn't get it, but after this shit I'll make sure she does.

She didn't look so hot. That was the first thought I had when she reached me. I didn't know you could get allergies in the winter, but hers have been acting up for some strange reason lately. If it didn't clear up soon I'm hauling her to the doctor, which I've been threatening to do for the last day or so.

?"Talon, what in the world is going on?"

I took both of her hands in mine so I could look into her eyes, her eyes don't lie to me. "Who sent them?"

She looked at a loss at my question. "Who sent what?"

"The flowers Skylar."

"Flowers?" She knitted her brow in confusion.

"Yeah, Noah showed up for practice teasing me about buying out the flower shop for my girl. And since you're the only girl I have and I haven't sent you any flowers lately I thought he was off his nut, until he told me he handled the delivery personally and they were definitely for you."

?"But I didn't get any flowers." We started walking into the building and towards her room.

"I know, your roommate signed for them. That doesn't negate the fact that someone sent you a shit load of roses; his words not mine."

I held her hand and pulled her along behind me. They better be from her father, that's all I'm saying, barring that, a mistake or some shit. But if some other guy was sending her flowers there will be hell to pay, the poor fool better find a rock and fast.

The room was covered no joke; from wall to wall covered with red roses. They just became my least favorite flower in the world. I'm going to rip the motherfucker's head off after I deal with my girl.

"What in the world!" Skye looked around the room in amazement. Just then Robyn Baldwin came out of the bathroom. She's another reason I wanted my girl out of here. Though I'd never slept with Robyn, it wasn't for lack of her trying.

Not to mention she was tight with Mackenzie, who couldn't seem to get it through her head that I never went back for seconds. If she was a pain in the ass before, she was an even bigger one now that Skye and I were together.

No time to think about that shit now, I had to get to the bottom of this flower shit.

"Oh hi Talon, hi Skye." I'm sure she thinks I didn't notice that my greeting was sugary sweet, while my girl's was snide. Oh yeah I'm getting her out of here as soon as possible. Any excuse to further my cause.

"So who's your new admirer Skye you sly thing?" She tried pulling that shit off as being playful but I could see the malice coming off her in waves. What she doesn't know is that I trust my girl implicitly, my anger isn't towards her, it's towards the situation and the motherfucker who didn't have long to live once I find out who the fuck he is.

"I have no idea." Skylar walked over to look at the flowers but I held her back, I didn't even want her touching the shits. I'd light the whole fucking lot of them in five minutes flat before I let that shit happen.

"There's a card." The twit was only too helpful in finding that shit among the mountain of flowers while my girl stood there looking confused and my blood boiled.

I took the card from her hand and tried not to slap the shit out of her smirking ass before I tore it open. Yeah I did that shit so sue me, what's hers is mine and vice versa.

Reading that shit almost made me postal, lucky for this asshole he was a thousand miles away. I showed her the card as my heart rate went all over the place.

"What the hell! I didn't know anything about this I swear." She looked up at me pleadingly.

"I know that." Now I did, when I didn't know who'd sent them I couldn't figure out the dynamics. I knew my girl was no cheat, I just couldn't figure out why someone would be sending her flowers. But now I knew who they were from I knew there was no way she'd had any idea about them.

"What the hell does your asshole ex want?"

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