
Chapter 70: MANCINI

I covered her head and upper body with mine as glass flew and bullets rained down around us. I'm not one for emotion in the middle of battle, but the fucker was dead, he shot at my fucking wife. What the fuck!

I waited for another break in the action and then with my body shielding hers, got her back to my car. "Hank I have to stay with my partner."

"Stay your ass in this car I'll be right back." I went around the other side from where we'd come and looked for an opening.

The shots had come from outside, closer to the water. There was still a good chance no one was inside with the girl if she was still here. The asshole agent was still out there where I'd left him I was guessing; amateur.

I found a door and worked to pry it open. Inside the place was cavernous and the only light came from the moon and the stars through the filthy windows.

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