
Onto the next base part 1

Rika had been absorbed in work as soon as she had agreed. Her body protested when she moved too much and her stomach protested a lot as well. These days were not the most comfortable for her and her back protested her every move.

Still, she complied with every request that was made of her because she wanted to help. She might be useless in combat but there were things that she could help with. That one conversation between bases made her realise just how important these side roles were.

But even saying that she was not really enjoying these long and tiring hours she had to put up in this base. She missed her original base which at least gave her time to rest. How did the professor manage all this alone?

The good news was that more people joined their effort every few hours and they could get things done. The people that were sent to them were not skilled but they were at least determined to learn.

Next chapter