
The second test part 1

The female led the pact, her eyes looking at the fallen monster with an unknown expression. From her body language, it was really difficult to tell what she was thinking but Mark was not interested in her reasons at all.

"A living specimen. What good fortune we have to get our hands on a living one. The data would be marvellous" that seems to be someone from the scientific department, her tone very excited. Her words proved just how she saw this monster - a specimen.

Mark could see Jean tense up, even more, her eyes clouding into a deeper shade of blue.

"Mark, give me some space. I'll do the honour of shooting this m-monster and put it out of its misery" it must have taken immense courage and willpower to get to this solution but she had made her decision now.

The breaking point was the inhuman comments from the scientific department, Mark was willing to bet on it with his life.

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