
Should We Tell The Truth?


While the second decade were busy cleaning the house, they were yet to find anything that would make them suspicious of any of the James siblings. 

"Sir, we didn't find anything unusual," Lemuel said to Nik, his commanding officer. The protocols had to stay in place no matter where they were and right now, Lemuel was curious about so many things. They had scoured the house and fixed everything, but they had found nothing. 

"Are you sure?" Damien asked Lemuel who just nodded while his team got the trash out. 

"Yes sir. I believe that whoever did this, wanted to scare you guys. Do you know anyone who would be stupid enough to try this?" Lemuel asked, making Jill hold back a laugh. Of course, these were Lia's men and they had picked a thing or two for her sister.

"Not that I know of, but who knows, maybe it's someone within. Can we stay in the house tonight?" Nik asked, even though he could smell Lemuel's disapproval from a distance. 

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