
Don't Hold Me To It


"Can I come with you? I kinda wanna talk to you," Nik said, his voice lowering with every word he spoke. It was almost like he was scared that his tone would make it hard for them to communicate.

Jenny looked at him, knowing so well what he wanted to talk about. It was the subject that the both of them had been avoiding for months, almost years now. This was the subject of their emotional attachments, more so, to each other.

They knew what they both felt for each other, but they had been so cooped up in their responsibilities and duties to their family that they never got the chance to even think about it.

Maybe they could use this time at the Mamba house, to see whether there was something worth fighting for, or if they were better off as a family. It would probably hurt like this, but whatever was best for both of them, they would be able to decide that today. 

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