
The Stormy Roars [3]


As the elevator reached the ground floor, the young Garner was hit by the murmurs of people. He knew they had questions and wanted to talk to him, but frankly, he had no time for that. He had a brother to lay to rest and needed to get that down quickly. 

Maybe he was running away from the pain, but then the blank space would always be there. He would always be missing his brother, but right now, he didn't care. He had thought of the many options, but there was nothing left for him. 

All he could feel was pain and it was a foreign concept to him. He didn't know how to handle himself when he lost. 

The last time he had lost anything, Amelia was right beside him. She encouraged him. She took him to her people. She let them curse him because she knew some enemies would have wished to see the man dead.

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