
In Which The Youngest James Shows [1]


The crowd expectedly erupted into murmurs when they were divided into two and had created the pathway.

"Damn, she has to be powerful."

"Is that a presidential envoy?"

"How can someone afford this many black suits?"

"Damn, the woman of the hour is here."

"What if this is also a lie? I heard the last time they set up a meeting she didn't show up. What if this is just a waste of time?"


As the crowd went ballistic, Alex focused on the ten men in black suits who walked uniformly towards the podium. It wasn't that hard to imagine who they were given the earpieces they were wearing and the guns on their backs.

They were trained mercenaries and Alex could tell that from the countless scars they were wearing. Scars that they hadn't even dared to hide, and no, they were not cuts or bruises, some were bullet wounds.

Whoever this woman was, she had to be so powerful. 

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