
Seeking Family's Help


Family, they say, will always bind you together, regardless of what happens. Because only family can understand and help when shit goes south. 

Aiyana Garner was a wild woman.

A woman who had slept with her sister's husband and even bore him a child. A woman who had done what no one would ever wish to do to their sister, and yet in all these, she would always say that she did it all to show her sister the kind of man her husband was. 

Aiyana Garner was gladly the mistress, the one-night stand, or whatever the society called the women who bore kids with other people's husbands, and it didn't bother her one bit, because she had no interest in whatever her child's father, and her sister's husband did. 

Whatever happened, she had made it clear that she would always be there for her sister. Sure, Garner had screwed up, but Aiyana wasn't going to leave her sister just because she had fucked up once. 

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