
The Anxious Prince of Doom


"She said we were to meet at the company. I don't understand why she would change the location anyway," Alex complained. It was pretty much all he had managed to let out in the past ten minutes that they had been in this cafe.

Anyone would think that he didn't like this place, but that was not it.

He loved this place.

This cafe reminded him of the countless times he had sneaked Lia out to bring her here for lunch. It reminded him of the smiles his woman always wore whenever she was served her favorite food. Alex was uncomfortable being here because it had too many memories.

And honestly, he didn't want to taint the memories by meeting someone else here.

Sure, Alexander didn't own the cafe, but he had managed to avoid coming to any meetings at this place. He never cared that they were just going to be talking, and yet today when the major shareholder told him to meet her, Alexander had rushed without a doubt.

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