
Three Instead of One?

"What is it, sis…hopefully, it's important because I'm going back to sleep in the next twenty seconds," Ryan said as Lexi just stared around the room then dismissed the tech guy whose name they didn't even care to know. It's not like that mattered anyway.

"wake the fuck up, you tardwits," Lexi said as she glared at her brothers. They were something else, but could she blame them? Sleep was very important, but what she saw in the device would make sleep extremely insignificant.

"I said fucking wake up."

"Okay, okay. The hell's gotten into you anyway," Alex whined as Ryan smacked his head. Lexi was serious, and they had to be too.

"look at this," she said, shoving the tablet to their faces. The groans and grunts suddenly disappeared as Lexi raised her eyebrows at her brothers. Shocked no, were they? The audacity of those boys. Ryan looked like he couldn't breathe and Alex, he looked like everything was against him. 

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