
The Beginning of The End


Saturday had been good for the brothers and they were finally taking a break from the exhaustion. They had played golf, had raced on horses, played poker, basically they had had the weekend of their lives.

Funny how that would end the moment they opened the television in their playroom. There on television was the worst news that could ever suffice for Ryan, but the worst, not yet. The worst was yet to come.

This was simply icing on the cake of shit that was being served right back at him by the very woman he had snatched her family away from.

This was nothing compared to what was coming and Lia knew it. She knew because she was the brains behind it all.

Alex looked at Ryan and confirmed his suspicions. Ryan Collins had never taken time to grieve the death of his father. He had avoided talking about it because he figured no one would ever bring it up.

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