
Make It Stop!! Please!

"Everyone, wake up. They're coming, all of them." Josh warned. 

"What?! How do you know?!" 

"Can't you guys feel the killing intent? Normally it wouldn't be detectable from that far, but there are just way too many of them!" 

They showed puzzled expressions but then recomposed themselves. There was no time to waste. That's when Emsee grunted: 

"They just triggered my farthest alarms. At this rate, we won't be able to fight all fronts at the same time. Joe, that tunnel on that side…wanna reduce it to rubble?" 

"On it! I'll give them a good surprise!" He happily left with his steel beam in hand. Before long, loud noises could be heard CLANG CLANG CLANG. Whatever he was doing, he was hard at work. 

"If you guys destroy the ladder, we'll have one side to fight. We can always use abilities to exit the place in case of emergency." Josh suggested. 

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