1 Restart of the Legendary Ranker

"I Leo was once one of the best ranker in the world, making a name for myself on the global boards. I cleared countless dungeons, set countless records and was the co-founder of the top 8th guild in the world "Wolf Creed"

Pause for a while and takes a long breath

and he starts smiling a minute later.

"It's a shame that it all will be over soon"

As he was back stabbed by a long sword, he turned back smiling with tears.

"All this years of hardwork, just to be betrayed by my own colleagues and be killed, is this really fair?"

The heavily armed knight who stabbed him cried of tears as well he pull out his sword. "Farewell my old friend, I don't hope you to forgive me, I'm really sorry for doing this to you."

"I don't believe it, Edward you have been blinded by greed, you've become pathetic."

Shortly after his last words, he dies.

"I'm so sorry Leo, I had no other choice but to kill you."

Three years later -

"Don't kill me, What have I done worng. The knight "It was all your fault, if you hadn't run away back then, it was all your fault." Leo, "no it was not me, don't kill me please." a child was murmuring while he sleeps during the late night. He was full of tears and scared

A woman sleeping next to him wakes up "Whats with all this noi- Not again!"

Wakes up the child "Jeremy, Jeremy, its all okay now, mommy is here." hugs the child softly. "I am scared mom."

A few moments later after Jeremy felt asleep, the mother silently wakes up the father "Honey, Jeremy had another nightmare again, I'm very worried about him." with a huge concern on her face. "You worry too much, I'll try talking to the magician about it tomorrow, ok then goodnight!" The husband goes back to sleep right after.
