
10. Making progress

Robert stood there absorbed in that strange feeling that came over him. He couldn't quite come up with why or how it happened, but he felt like it might finely be easier to push past his trauma now. Even though he had been working hard at getting past his fear of Pokémon, the truth was he had made truly little progress if any at all. After telling his sisters about that night his thoughts seemed to have stopped being so jumbled about it. Sorting all his feelings and aspirations and putting them into that last heartfelt speech, he seemed to have pushed past that first and toughest barrier.

As Sasha and Stephanie looked at their brother suddenly look so free and relieved, they couldn't help but feel a little admiration for their little brother. They wondered that if they had gone through something similar if they could face it head-on like Robert, neither were so confident they could. They might even be too scared to walk out the front door…

Sasha and Stephanie looked at each other and started whispering to each other, "Steph, it seems our little brother will be even more amazing in the future than we thought."

"I think your right Sash, it seems we are going to have to start working a bit harder in our training"

"No Steph, I think we should work a lot harder. Especially you, you don't spend as much time outside working on the farm with your Pokémon as I do, so yours is a bit lower level. Worst of all, if we don't work hard I'm afraid that our positions as cool big sisters that our cute little brother looks up to could be in trouble" Stephanie looks horrified by this revelation, no longer whispering she calls out. "No! we can't let this go on. Come on Sash weren't we having a battle, let's get started. Roby stop standing there daydreaming and come referee".

Robert finely snapped out of his thoughts and enjoying that strange feeling that came over him before. Beaming a smile, he walked over to the middle area of the clearing but off to the side to leave room for the battle. Sasha and Stephanie walked to opposite sides of the clearing about 15m apart.

Seeing that Robert lifted one hand in the air and loudly called out "will both trainers please send out their first Pokémon". Both his sisters only had one Pokémon each, but Robert always enjoyed adding a bit of flair to these battles. Both sisters are long used to this so they both send out their only Pokémon. After a flash of light from the Pokeballs, the twin sisters Pokémon were revealed. They both almost looked like a big plushie bulldog. All pink with blue spots and standing on its two hind feet. It had a bit of a mean look on its face but was actually a pretty cuddly Pokémon. This was the fairy type Pokémon Snubbull.

When the twins turned five Dennis and Mariah gifted these two Snubbull to the twins. Fairy type Pokémon are not easy to find and even the more common ones are a rare sight, the fact that they managed to get two for the twins is fairly impressive. The most shocking part of these two Pokémon isn't their type but their talent, they are both light silver! These are the only two silver phase talent Pokémon on the farm and how Dennis and Mariah managed to get them, even if they are found in this area is amazing. There are three people on the farm with bronze phase talent Pokémon, Dennis, Mariah and a worker that is in charge of the farm whenever Dennis wasn't around. The rest were dark grey or less. From this, it can be seen just how uncommon the higher grade colour talents are.

As Robert looked at the two Snubbull he had the sudden urge that he wanted to pat one! This came as a bit of a shock as ever since that incident he hasn't been able to touch a Pokémon. He decided this was a chance to take a major leap in getting over his fear so he quickly called out, "wait, wait hold on. Don't start the battle yet". Sasha and Stephanie looked at their brother a bit confused. Normally he couldn't wait for the battle to start and begin his little commentary as usual. Soon the sisters look of confusion was replaced with shock. After looking back and forth between the two Snubbull for a bit he started approaching Stephanie's. Robert chose Stephanie's Snubbull because he knew it was a little lower level. It might not seem like much but the thought gave him a little more courage.

After slowly and carefully walking toward Snubbull he was finally standing in front of it. Snubbull simply stared at Robert confused as he slowly approached. After he was in front of it, it simply tilted its head and spoke out a "Snubbull" in a confused tone. When Snubbull spoke out Robert couldn't help but flinch. "It's ok Snubbull. Just stay still there and wait for Roby, he won't hurt you." Seeing Robert flinch Stephanie thought her Snubbull might get upset at Roberts nervous behaviour. Snubbull turned to Stephanie and gave another "Snubbull" to show it understood, then looked back at Robert and waited for him.

Robert took a deep breath to try and calm down. He was indeed nervous but was also excited. This was the first time he had walked this close to a Pokémon without breaking out in a sweat and freezing up. He took one more deep breath and stretched his trembling hand out. As he gently placed his now sweaty palm onto Snubbulls head he couldn't help but freeze up at the moment of contact. After a couple of seconds of nothing happening, he finally loosened up in relief. Although he knew nothing would happen in his head his body seemed to have a mind of its own and it was in total disagreement. He even started to gently rub his hand on Snubbull's head, and its only response was to close its eyes and call out a soft "Snub" in content.

After Robert took back his hand he softly whispered "thankyou Snubbull, you might not realize it, but you just helped me a lot". Snubbull simply tilted its head and called out another confused "Snubbull". Robert simply smiled and looked up to Stephanie and said "thanks Steph this means a lot to me". Stephanie quickly shook her head "no, no Roby. Anytime you want me and Snubbull will help you out, isn't that right Snubbull". Snubball didn't get what was happening but more pats are never bad, so it raised its little hand and called out a happy "Snub Snubbull".

"Hey don't forget about us. Snubbull and I will help out whenever you want, just say the ward". Sasha quickly called out seeing she was about to be left out. She didn't feel jealous and was happy to see Robert facing his fears, but she didn't want to be left out and wanted to help as well. Sasha's Snubbull, like Stephanie's, was a bit confused at what was going on. It was always a little competitive with the other Snubbull though and seeing it seemed to be losing it quickly threw both its hands up and gave out a loud "snub snub". Luckily Robert was a bit further away or he might have got a fright.

Robert smiled softly "thanks Sash, Steph if I need any help I'll ask you two right away". He then walked back to his referee spot. As he did he looked at his hand and slowly clenched it into a fist as he thought, "I'm finely starting to get past it, soon I'll beat this. Then my journey can truly start"

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and for those of you waiting for the battle, it happens next chapter I swear.

DoctorDracocreators' thoughts
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