Two best friends have their life upside down after a drastic event took place in one's life. They sure separated, but she loved him. Love. It was more than just a best-friend feeling. Things changed, people changed, everything changed. But her love was still the same. Can she ever gather the courage to tell him? Will he ever accept her?
"Is he... Is he really here?" I asked, totally not believing what my pretty small eyes saw. I was quite mesmerised, but to say I was in shock, is an understatement.
"I guess so, his eyes are of same colour and looks exactly like you described" Samantha, my best friend, said.
"But... But how?"
"You should know it better" she replied and left me all alone there.
He was back. The best of the 'bestest' friend of me. But he doesn't remember me. Doesn't recognise me and that's what hurts the most. Because he was not just a friend to me.
I had a crush on him since I was 8.
Giving me a small glance of his beautiful blue eyes, he stared at me for a while, making me realise that I'm not the one he knows, and it's not a tradition to just stare at someone like that.
At least not for a girl to stare at a boy like I was just doing.
I lowered my gaze, finding it difficult to meet those eyes again after all these years, when I knew it just wasn't easy for me now to stay in the same school as him.