As the party time drew closer, Andrew and Desmond bubbled with excitement at the secrets they both were safekeeping.
While Desmond was excited about Lucy's plan to propose to Tom, Andrew was excited about Tom's plan to propose to Lucy, and both men couldn't wait to see the joy on their wife's faces to see their babies engaged.
"Is there a reason you're in such a good mood?" Desmond asked Andrew curiously, wondering if Lucy had mentioned her plans to him.
"I should be asking you that," Andrew retorted, and then raised a brow. "I suppose Tom told you," Andrew said, looking around to make sure no one hears them.
"Tom?" Desmond asked, wondering what Tom could have told Andrew.
Seeing that Desmond didn't seem to know, Andrew shook his head, "Never mind."
"C'mon! You know if it's a secret I'm going to keep it. Tell me what's going on," Desmond urged Andrew.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: