The moment Tom walked into the bedroom and didn't find Lucy, he panicked thinking she has left as she had threatened to do earlier, but was relieved when his gaze fell on her half-packed bag.
He decided to first give Harry a call and set things in motion before going to find Lucy.
He knew he had not handled things the best way earlier and had allowed his frustration at everything get the best of him to the point that he spoke with Lucy the way he had done.
The moment he dialed Harry's line, the call connected immediately as though Harry had been waiting by his phone for him to call.
"Sup? We are unable to bring down the news. I think whoever put out the information is making sure it is not taken down," Harry said in frustration the moment he picked up.
"It's Kimberly's parents," Tom said and Harry nodded.
"I see. When you telling them the truth then?" Harry asked and Tom quickly told him all that had happened.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: