By the time Lucy returned upstairs to Tom's bedroom, he had freshened up and waiting for her to join him in bed.
"You haven't had dinner yet. I brought you some of the sandwiches Samantha packed us earlier," Lucy said as she walked over to the bed with a tray containing the sandwich and a glass of soy milk.
"Milk?" Tom asked in amusement since he couldn't remember the last time he drank milk.
"Yep. It should help you sleep well," Lucy said and pointed to the tray after she carefully placed it on top of the nightstand near him, "Sit up and make sure you finish it all," she ordered and Tom raised a brow.
"Or what?" He asked in a mocking tone and she crossed both arms in front of her.
"Why don't you try me and find out?" She asked with a smirk before walking over to sit on the dressing table.
Tom smiled as he watched her and even though he didn't feel like it, he took a bite from the sandwich.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: