Alone on his bed, Tom couldn't sleep despite the fact that the time was almost three in the morning. Perhaps it was because he had slept for hours during the day when Lucy was with him.
After dropping Lucy and Jeff off at their apartments at past 12 A.M. earlier after they all left party, he had wanted to stay back with Lucy to wait until her parents got back from Harry's, but Lucy had insisted he go home to get some rest while she busied herself with rearranging her closet and drawers until her parents' got back.
Because of Aaron's health they had thought leaving him alone with Jamal wasn't ideal, so both Tom's parents and Lucy's parents had spent the time with them pending when Harry and Candace would get back from the party.
The moment he got to his house, he had freshened up and busied with arranging the stuff he would move to Lucy's place.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: