

A child? Tom already had a child with someone else? She couldn't explain what she was feeling or why she was feeling that way, but it felt like something sharp was piercing through her heart and it was breaking at the same time.

Perhaps she knew why she was feeling that way. It was because she felt that she was losing Tom.

Just when she thought Anita was out of the way and now she could do her best to make her relationship with Tom work something like this had to come up.

It was always one obstacle after the other and she wasn't sure they could surmount this one. It seemed like they were not meant to be together.

Anita did not even have a child for Tom yet look how much effort she had put into trying to come between them. Could she expect anything less from this new baby mama who had just shown up?

Regardless of whatever assurances Tom was going to give her she knew this was not going to be that simple.


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