Monday morning came very fast, and as usual, Tom and Lucy left for the office before the others came out of their bedrooms.
They had woken up a bit late and had to hurriedly get ready for work and leave. It was the week of the anniversary and there were a lot of things that needed to be done, starting with the annual meeting with the shareholders and board of directors to present the company's financial performance to them, and to discuss the way forward for the coming year.
Tom pretended not to notice the way Lucy kept glancing at him at intervals as he drove them to work. He had noticed that she seemed to have a lot on her mind, so he had decided not to ask her any questions and wait for her to tell him what she was thinking when she was ready to talk.
Knowing Lucy, he knew if she wasn't ready to talk about it, he would need to probe for a while before she would say whatever she was thinking, and he really wasn't in the mood to probe.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: