Neither Lucy nor Sonia were ignorant of the stares they were receiving or the attention they had drawn from the moment they walked into the restaurant where Sonia was meant to meet with her Editor and the movie producer.
She had chosen to meet with them in a restaurant because she didn't want her contract with the producer to be signed in her editor's office. Not when she was cutting ties with him after the meeting.
Thankfully the movie producer and editor were already waiting by the time they arrived, and they rose to welcome the ladies.
"Miss Smith, it's a pleasure meeting you. I've heard so much about you," The producer, a man in his early forties, said before her editor could do any introduction.
"I hope you heard nice things?" Sonia asked as she extended a hand to shake him, feeling confident with Lucy by her side.
"Only nice things, I assure you," he said before turning to look at Lucy.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: