
Vile Creature

Janet had a cheerful smile on her face as she sat on the couch waiting for Andrew to join her so that they could see a movie on Netflix together. 

It had been quite a while since they were last able to do that. Because of all that had been happening lately, she had been too worried to do any of this, but after receiving a call from Lucas some minutes earlier informing them that he was leaving the country and his first stop would be to see Tyler, she had been more than relieved. Tyler wasn't a stranger to the family, so she was glad to know that Lucas would be safe. 

"You must be very happy about Lucas' decision. You haven't smiled that way for some time now," Andrew observed as he joined her with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"What way?" Janet asked with a grin and Andrew shrugged.

"Relaxed and happy," Andrew said as he poured some wine into the glasses and extended one to her, before sitting down.


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