Sara paced around her hotel room with a bottle of wine in her hand which she slugged from at intervals.
Her blood boiled with anger each time she remembered how Lucy had played her for a fool and she had totally fallen for it. She wished more than anything that she could deal with Lucy and teach her a lesson, but unfortunately, she couldn't do anything about it right now.
She was ill not stupid. And as much as she hated Lucy and wanted to make her pay for the silly stunt she had pulled earlier, she had come too far up in her life to lose everything because of Janet's daughter.
It wasn't a surprise that she hated Janet's daughter as much as she hated Janet. The only surprise was that she hated them for entirely different reasons. While Janet was a miss goody two shoes, her daughter, Lucy, had proved to be a sly little devil.
Sara would have been impressed by Lucy if her stunt wasn't at her expense and costing her a possible lobe of liver.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: