
Change Of Approach

After his phone conversation with his siblings, Tom returned to the Den and found Lucy watching a soap opera while Jamal slept on the couch beside her with his head on her thighs. 

He stood by the door and watched as she patted Jamal's hair distractedly, but she didn't really seem like she was paying attention to the soap opera. She looked more like she had a lot on her mind.

"Care to share what you are thinking about?" Tom asked, startling Lucy who turned in his direction, and she smiled at him.

"Random thoughts. Let's get Jamal to bed. You need to get out of those clothes," Lucy said as Tom approached her. 

Without saying a word, he lifted Jamal off the couch and Lucy stood up and turned off the television before following him out. After they tucked Jamal in, they both went to their bedroom.

"Is everything okay?" Lucy asked as she sat on the bed while Tom took off his work clothes which he was still wearing. 


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