Now that Tom was alone in his bedroom, he had more than enough time to ponder on the issue Lucy had raised in the vehicle. Although he had tried his best to appear calm and unbothered so that she wouldn't be more upset than she was, he was more worried about the issue than he had let on.
Lucy didn't want to get married. His heart contracted at the thought, which completely contrasted with everything he had ever wanted. Right from when he was a kid, he had always thought about getting married and being a strong and reliable husband and father like his own father. He had worked as hard as he could to attain success because he wanted his future wife and kids to live in comfort and luxury. He had worked hard to build an empire so that he would be able to give his family all his time and attention when the time came. Family meant everything to him.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: