
Little Friend

"Are you okay?" Bryan asked Sonia after they entered his bedroom.

"Sure. Why?" She asked looking at him curiously.

"Nothing. I just figured that you might have been upset after seeing Lucy's dad that way. I wanted to be sure you're okay," he said with concern, and Sonia smiled when she realized what he was talking about. 

Having lost her biological father because he drowned to death, he was concerned that seeing Lucy's father that way must have also upset her and brought back painful memories. 

"Aww! I'm fine. Although I was worried, but thankfully you listened to me and jumped in there to help. So I'm okay. Thank you," she said as she raised herself on her toes and kissed his lip.

"The least I can do is save the life of the second man you love after me. I come first, right?" Bryan asked with a grin, and Sonia giggled.

"Why? Do you want to compete with him too?" She asked with a teasing smile.


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