Tom roused from sleep when he heard the sound of his doorbell. He turned to look at Bryan who was sleeping beside him. They were both still dressed in the suit they had worn the previous night. They had been too tired to take off the clothes when they got home. They had only managed to take off their coat, wigs and fake mustache.
It was past four in the morning before both brothers had finally made it to Tom's apartment. Although they had both been very exhausted, they were satisfied with the progress they had made.
He glanced at his bedside clock. It was just seven in the morning. They had barely gotten three hours of sleep.
Who could be at the door? Lucy? She was with her family, so he wasn't so sure she was the one. If not her, then who? He wondered as he quickly got off the bed so that the person wouldn't ring the doorbell again. He tried to move quietly so that he wouldn't disturb Bryan's sleep, but Bryan stirred in his sleep.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: