

Lucy looked at Tom with disapproval, "If you continue this way we are going to get caught before we even get anywhere. Reverse the car and let's go to the office right now. You can't change everything on your schedule just to satisfy your whim!" Lucy chided.

"Wanting to hang out with you isn't just a whim," Tom said as a scowl replaced the grin which had been on his face a moment ago, "I just want to hang out with you, is that too much to ask for?"

"It is. I'm not going anywhere else with you when it is still work hours. We have to distinguish between business and pleasure. Mr. Harry sent me your schedule for the day, and you have several meetings that you need to attend this morning. So reverse the car right now," Lucy said in a tone that brooked no argument.

"Do you really mean that?" Tom asked, not pleased with the fact that she wasn't as eager to spend some time with him as he was to spend his time with her.

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