For the first time in the twelve years since Tom started driving, he drove recklessly and managed to arrive at Lucy's apartment exactly thirty minutes after her phone call to him. How he had managed to brush, bathe, and dress up in that short time frame, was probably going to be one of the top wonders of the world.
Not sure of what to expect, Tom took in a deep breath as he raised his hand to knock on her door, but before his knuckles could connect with the door, the doorknob turned, and then the door was pulled open from the inside. The first thing he noticed about Lucy was that she had tied her hair in a ponytail and her glasses were back on.
They both stared at each other without saying a word as they both thought about the previous evening and how they had been so happy to see each other and had even embraced in the open. Who would have thought that things would become awkward between them less than twenty-four hours later?
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: