Tom gazed into Lucy's eyes through her glasses as they both stood there in the open street staring at each other, without a care in the world. Nothing mattered more at that moment to either of them than the person who was standing in front of them.
Tom could see the questions swimming in her cloudy gray eyes. He knew that she needed him to give her answers that would clear whatever doubts she was having about him. How was he going to do that? Where was he going to start from? "What were you doing out here?" He asked curiously as he moved his gaze away from her to look at the apartment he had just asked them to put up for sale.
Lucy shrugged her shoulders, "I was bored. Needed to think, so I was taking a walk and found myself here," she said with a small smile, "Why are you moving, Tom?" She asked, looking at him with serious eyes. She had a lot of questions, but she decided to take it one at a time.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: